Removing a Snapshot Schedule (CLI)

Use the following procedure to delete an automatic snapshot schedule for a filesystem, LUN, or project.

To use the snapshot retention hold feature, apply deferred update "Support for Snapshot Retention." For information about deferred updates, see Deferred Updates in Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance Customer Service Manual, Release OS8.8.x.

The following user role authorizations are required to remove a snapshot schedule:

  • Delete an automatic snapshot schedule without a retention hold: scheduleSnap

  • Delete an automatic snapshot schedule with a retention hold: releaseSnapRetention

For information on editing authorizations for a role, see Editing Authorizations for a Role (CLI).

  1. Go to and select the project or share.
    hostname:> shares select myproject
    hostname:shares myproject> select demo_share
  2. Enter snapshots automatic.
    hostname:shares myproject/demo_share> snapshots automatic
    hostname:shares myproject/demo_share snapshots automatic>
  3. If you want to keep existing automatic snapshots, set the convert property to true to convert them to manual snapshots.

    If you keep this property as convert = false, automatic snapshots taken with this schedule will be discarded when you destroy the schedule. If the snapshots have a retention hold, setting the convert property to true does not change the retention hold.

    hostname:shares myproject/demo_share snapshots automatic> set convert=true
                                 convert = true
    hostname:shares myproject/demo_share snapshots automatic> commit
  4. Use the destroy command followed by the name of the automatic snapshot schedule you want to destroy.

    An error message might warn that existing automatic snapshots could be destroyed. If the snapshot or its children are actively changing, an error message indicates that the snapshot schedule cannot be removed. Also, if the schedule contains locked automatic snapshots, the schedule cannot be removed until the retention holds expire. If the automatic snapshot schedule has a retention hold but no snapshots have been generated, the schedule can be removed. If the snapshot is a project snapshot, the schedule will also be removed from its shares.

    hostname:shares myproject/demo_share snapshots automatic> destroy automatic-000
    This will destroy "automatic-000". Are you sure? (Y/N)
  5. Type Y to confirm.
    This will destroy "automatic-000". Are you sure? (Y/N) Y