Setting Preferences (CLI)

Use this procedure to set preferences for the user that you are currently logged in as or for any user for which you have the changePreferences authorization. See User Authorizations and "Editing Exceptions for a User" - BUI, CLI for information about gaining the changePreferences authorization.

  1. Go to configuration users.
    hostname:> configuration users
  2. Select the user for whom you want to edit preferences.
    1. Enter show to list users.

      To edit preferences for a user other than the user that you are currently logged in as, you must have the changePreferences authorization for that user.

    2. Use the name in the USERNAME column:
      hostname:configuration users> select username
  3. Enter preferences, and then enter show to list the preferences.

    Note that the session_annotation property only shows for the currently logged in user.

    hostname:configuration users username> preferences
    hostname:configuration users username preferences> show
                            locale = C
                      login_screen = status/dashboard
                  cli_idle_timeout = infinite (default)
                session_annotation =
                advanced_analytics = false
                                 keys => Manage SSH public keys
                               tokens => Manage REST tokens
  4. Set preferences values.

    See Preference Properties for descriptions.

    By default, there is no limit on the length of time that the CLI can be idle (infinite). To set a limit on the length of time that the CLI can be idle, set a value such as 15minutes or 1hour for cli_idle_timeout. The default time units are seconds, so if you enter a value of 1800 (with no units specified), the timeout value is 1800 seconds or 30 minutes. If the timeout limit is reached, the CLI is closed. To disable the timeout, set the value of cli_idle_timeout to infinite or specify the following command:

    hostname:configuration preferences> unset cli_idle_timeout
                  cli_idle_timeout = infinite (default, uncommitted)

    For more information about keys, see Setting SSH Public Keys (CLI).

  5. Enter commit.
  6. Enter done.
  7. Optional: Alternatively, use configuration preferences.

    This method only allows you to set preferences for the user that you are currently logged in as.

    1. Go to configuration preferences.
    2. Enter show.
    3. Set preferences values, enter commit, enter done.