Setting a Scheduled Snapshot Label (BUI)

Use the following procedure to set a label for scheduled snapshots of a filesystem, LUN, or project.

This optional property appends a user-defined label to each scheduled snapshot and is blank by default. The label can either be set for an individual share, or it can be set for a project and inherited by its shares, but not both.

Snapshot labels can help identify the project or share for which a snapshot was taken. For example, project1:share1 could indicate a scheduled snapshot taken on share1 within project1. Labels can be up to 35 alphanumeric characters and can include special characters _ - . : .

  1. Go to the share or project for which you want to set the scheduled snapshot label.
    1. To set a label for a filesystem: From the Shares menu, select Shares.
    2. To set a label for a LUN: From the Shares menu, select Shares, then LUNs.
    3. To set a label for a project: From the Shares menu, select Projects.
  2. Hover over the appropriate share or project, and click the edit icon image showing the edit icon .
  3. Click the Snapshots tab.
  4. Under Properties, type the label you want to set into the Scheduled Snapshot Label field.
  5. Click APPLY to save the change.

    This label will be included in the name of each scheduled snapshot taken from now on. The label will appear before the timestamp, so that the snapshot name is .auto-<snaplabel>-<timestamp>.