The Sun AK MIB (SUN-AK-MIB.mib) provides the following information:

  • Product description string and part number

  • Appliance software version

  • Appliance and chassis serial numbers

  • Install, update and boot times

  • Cluster state, including peer node

  • Share status for both filesystems and LUNs (pool name, project name, share name, size, used and available gigabytes and bytes, filesystem mountpoint)

  • Replica share status (pool name, project name, share name, size, used and available bytes, replica share's source name, filesystem mountpoint)

  • Pool status (name, profile, status, total size, available size, used size by type, data compression and data deduplication ratios)

  • Hardware status for disks (component name, faulted, present, enclosing chassis name, vendor, model, serial number, speed, type)

There are six main tables to read:

Table 3-52 Sun AK MIBs

OID Contents


General appliance information


Cluster status


Share status


Replica share status


Pool status


Hardware status

See the MIB file for the full descriptions.


Sun AK MIB files are available at https://your IP address or host name:215/help/docs/snmp/SUN-AK-MIB.mib.txt.