Verifying the Replication Stream on the NFS Server

Use the following procedure to verify the replication stream on the NFS server.
  1. Navigate to the NFS directory, check the MD5 stream, and view the metadata.
    hostname# pwd
    hostname# ls -l
    total 67
    -rw-r--r--   1 nobody   nobody       633 Nov 17 21:46 metadata.xml
    -rw-------   1 nobody   nobody     31016 Nov 17 21:46 stream
    -rw-------   1 nobody   nobody        33 Nov 17 21:46 stream.md5
    hostname# md5sum stream
    25b4671c9aaf34455a63e203bcecff49  stream
    hostname# cat stream.md5
    hostname# cat metadata.xml
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!DOCTYPE nvlist SYSTEM "/usr/share/lib/xml/dtd/nvlist.dtd.1">
       <nvpair name='offline_rr_version'><string value='1.1'/></nvpair>
       <nvpair name='source_asn'><string value='2ea4670f-bc17-cf8f-a420-9211d6edda04'/></nvpair>
       <nvpair name='project'><string value='default'/></nvpair>
       <nvpair name='pkgid'><string value='96366bf2-0b3c-4eec-e85b-e36e1b5bc18c'/></nvpair>
       <nvpair name='basesnap'><string value=/></nvpair>
       <nvpair name='newsnap'><string value='.rr-96366bf2-0b3c-4eec-e85b-e36e1b5bc18c-1'/></nvpair>
       <nvpair name='compression'><string value='on'/></nvpair>
  2. Physically move the NFS server to the target appliance site, or copy the rr_updates folder to external media and prepare for shipping.