Viewing and Filtering Cloud Backups (BUI)

Use this procedure to view completed cloud backups on multiple pages and to filter them by using a basic search for either the cloud target name, source name, format, or dataset name. Use the advanced search feature to search for the same criteria simultaneously, plus you can search by the parent name.

  1. From the Configuration menu, select Services, then Cloud.
  2. Click the Backups tab.

    The Backups list contains completed cloud backups and is in chronological order.

  3. If there are multiple pages of cloud backups, use the double arrow keys to navigate between the pages. To go to the first page, click the left-facing single arrow key. To go to the last page, click the right-facing single arrow key.
  4. To filter the cloud backups using a basic search, click the search icon image showing the search icon , enter the target name, source name, format, or dataset name, and press Enter.
    • You can only enter one property.
    • The target name must be an exact match; the other properties can be partial values.
    • To view the entire, unfiltered list again, clear the search field and press Enter.
  5. To filter the cloud backups using an advanced search, click the down-arrow icon image showing the down arrow icon below the search icon image showing the search icon . In the Search dialog box, complete the fields as appropriate, and click APPLY.
    • Select the target and format from the pull-down lists. The source name, dataset name, and parent name can be partial values.
    • Upon completion, the search criteria and values appear in the search field beside the search icon.
    • To view the entire, unfiltered list again, clear the search field and press Enter.