Viewing CSR and Certificate Details (BUI)

Use this procedure to view CSR and certificate details.

A system certificate can be an automatically generated domain- or IP-address-based certificate, an automatically-generated ASN-based certificate, or a CA-signed certificate.

  1. From the Configuration menu, select Settings, then Certificates, and click the System tab.

    If you have not deleted them, you should see at least one automatically generated certificate based on the domain or IP address, and exactly one automatically-generated certificate based on the Appliance Serial Number (ASN) UUID.

  2. Hover over an existing entry, and click its information icon image showing the information icon .

    The values of the Subject Common Name, Issuer Common Name, and DirName (distinguished name) are the ASN UUID. For a cluster, DirName includes the ASN UUID of each peer.

  3. When finished, click OK to close the Details window.