Viewing Service Logs (BUI)

Some services provide service logs with information to help you diagnose service issues. If a Logs button exists in the top right of a service screen, that service provides a log. Service logs can provide the times when a service changed state, and the error messages from the service. Log content is specific to each individual service and is subject to change.

  1. From the Configuration menu, select Services, and double-click on a service name.
  2. Click the Logs button at the top right of a service screen.

    The following are common example messages:

    Example Log Message Description

    Executing start method

    The service is starting up.

    Method "start" exited with status 0

    The service reported a successful start (0 == success).

    Method "refresh" exited with status 0

    The service successfully refreshed its configuration based on its service settings.

    Executing stop method

    The service is being shut down.


    The service state was checked to see if it should be started (such as during system boot), and it was found to be in the enabled state.


    The service state was checked to see if it should be started (such as during system boot), and it was found to be in the disabled state.

    The following log example is from the NTP service:

    [ Oct 15 21:05:31 Enabled. ]
    [ Oct 15 21:07:37 Executing start method (...). ]
    [ Oct 15 21:13:38 Method "start" exited with status 0. ]

    The first log event in the example shows that the system was booted at 21:05. The second entry at 21:07:37 records that the service began startup, which completed at 21:13:38. Due to the nature of NTP and system clock adjustment, this service can take minutes to complete startup, as shown by the log.