Viewing Trusted Certificate Details (BUI)

Use this procedure to view trusted certificate details.

A trusted certificate can be an automatically generated domain- or IP-address-based certificate, an automatically-generated ASN-based certificate, or a CA-signed certificate.

  1. From the Configuration menu, select Settings, then Certificates, and click the Trusted tab.

    If you have not deleted them, you should see at least one automatically-generated certificate based on the domain or IP address, and exactly one automatically-generated certificate based on the Appliance Serial Number (ASN) UUID.

  2. Hover over an existing entry, and click its information icon information icon image .

    The values of the Subject Common Name, Issuer Common Name, and DirName (distinguished name) are the ASN UUID. For a cluster, DirName includes the ASN UUID of each peer.

  3. When finished, click OK to close the Details window.