Network: Datalink Bytes

This statistic measures network datalink activity in bytes/second. Network datalinks are logical entities constructed from network devices (see Network Configuration in Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance Administration Guide, Release OS8.8.x). The measured bytes by this statistic includes all network payload headers (Ethernet, IP, TCP, NFS/SMB, and so on).


See Network: Device Bytes for an example of a similar statistic with similar breakdowns.

When to Check Datalink Bytes

Network bytes can be used a rough measure of Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance load. This statistic can be used to see the rate of network bytes through different datalinks.

Datalink Bytes Breakdowns

Table 6-28 Breakdowns of Datalink Bytes

Breakdown Description


In or out, relative to Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance. For example, NFS reads to the appliance would be show as out(bound) network bytes.


Network datalink (see "Datalinks" in Network Configuration in Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance Administration Guide, Release OS8.8.x).

Further Analysis

See also Network: Device Bytes and Network: Interface Bytes for network throughput at the device and interface level, respectively.