Protocol: OISP Bytes

This statistic shows Oracle Intelligent Storage Protocol (OISP) bytes/second transferred between OISP clients and Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance. Bytes statistics can be broken down by client, filename, database name, database filetype, database function, share, and project.

When to Check OISP Bytes

OISP bytes/sec can be used as an indication of OISP load, and can be viewed on the dashboard.

Breakdowns by database filetype and function allow database and storage administrators to correlate database statistics with storage statistics. This provides much better diagnosability to narrow down an abrupt rise not only to a particular database, but also to the database function creating the increase and the filetype associated with it.

The best way to improve performance is to eliminate unnecessary work, which can be identified through the client and filename breakdowns, and the filename hierarchy view. Client and especially filename breakdowns can very expensive in terms of storage and execution overhead. Therefore, it is not recommended to permanently enable these breakdowns on a busy production Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance.

OISP Bytes Breakdowns

Table 5-45 Breakdowns of OISP Bytes

Breakdown Description


Remote hostname or IP address of the OISP client.


Filename for the OISP I/O, if known, and cached by Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance.

database name

Name of the database issuing the I/O.

database filetype

Type of file to which the database is writing.

database function

Reason for the database I/O. Acronyms used in this breakdown include RMAN (Oracle Recovery Manager), DBWR (Database Writer for Oracle Database), ARCH (Archiver for Oracle Database), and LGWR (Log Writer for Oracle Database).


The share for this OISP I/O.


The project for this OISP I/O.

These breakdowns can be combined to produce powerful statistics. For example, use Protocol: OISP bytes per second for client broken down by filename to view which files a particular client is accessing.

Further Analysis

See also Protocol: OISP Operations.