List a Specific User

Information about a specific user includes user preferences and authorization exceptions. In this example, user1 has an authorization exception named auth-000 that grants user1 the ability to configure and post alerts. Preferences for user1 are all default values.

Example Request:

GET /api/user/v1/users/user1 HTTP/1.1

Example Result:

    "user": {
        "href": "/api/user/v2/users/user1",
        "logname": "user1",
        "type": "directory",
        "uid": user1uid,
        "fullname": "Real Name",
        "require_annotation": false,
        "roles": ["basic"],
        "kiosk_mode": false,
        "kiosk_screen": "status/dashboard",
        "exceptions": [
            "scope": "alert",
            "allow_configure": true,
            "allow_post": true,
            "href": "/api/user/v2/users/user1/exceptions/auth-000"
        "preferences": {
            "href": "/api/user/v2/users/user1/preferences",
            "locale": "C",
            "login_screen": "status/dashboard",
            "session_timeout": 15,
            "cli_idle_timeout": -1,
            "advanced_analytics": false,
            "keys": [],
            "tokens": []