Replication Actions

Replication actions define the rules for replicating data to replication targets. The following commands manage the replication actions.

Using the Flat Action Interface

Requests to manage replication actions can be made directly to an Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance system, without specifying a project or share.

The following table lists the base commands for managing replication actions.

Table 13-16 Base Action Interface

Request Append to Path /api/storage/v{1|2} Description



List all replication action objects



Get the specified replication action properties



Modify the specified replication action object



Delete the specified replication action object



Start the selected replication action



Stop the selected replication action

The following table lists the commands for managing replication action schedules.

Table 13-17 Accessing Action Schedules

Request Append to Path /api/storage/v{1|2} Description



List all replication action schedule objects



Get the specified replication action schedule properties



Create a new replication action schedule



Modify the specified replication action schedule object



Delete the specified replication action schedule object

The following table lists the commands for replication automatic snapshot management.


Share-level auto-snapshot schedules configured within project-level replication actions cannot be accessed with the following commands. Project-level actions can have multiple auto snapshot schedules in multiple shares, and this interface does not provide a definitive way to identify all the combinations.

Table 13-18 Accessing Replication Automatic Snapshot Configuration

Request Append to Path /api/storage/v{1|2} Description



Retrieve auto-snapshot configurations for the selected replication action



Get the specified replication action auto-snapshot object



Modify the specified replication action auto-snapshot properties



Modify the specified replication action auto-snapshot object



Delete the specified replication action auto-snapshot object

The following table lists the command for Replication Action Statistics.

Table 13-19 Accessing Replication Action Statistics

Request Append to Path /api/storage/v{1|2} Description



Retrieve read-only replication statistics for the selected replication action

Replication Actions in Project, Filesystem, or LUN Context

Requests to manage replication actions can also be made in the context of a specific project, filesystem, or LUN.

The following table lists the base commands for managing replication actions.

  • Project-based operations URIs begin with:

  • Filesystem-based operations URIs begin with:

  • LUN-based operations URIs begin with:


Append the following base commands to the desired context URI listed above to manage replication actions.

Table 13-20 Project, Filesystem, or LUN Base Replication Action Interfaces

Request Append to Project, Filesystem, or LUN URI Listed Above Description



List all replication action objects



Get the specified replication action properties



Create a new replication action



Modify the specified replication action object



Delete the specified replication action object



Start the selected replication action



Stop the selected replication action

The following table lists the base commands for managing replication schedules.

  • Project-based operations URIs begin with:

  • Filesystem-based operations URIs begin with:

  • LUN-based operations URIs begin with:


Append the following base commands to the desired context URI listed above to manage replication schedules.

Table 13-21 Project, Filesystem, or LUN Replication Action Schedules

Request Append to Project, Filesystem, or LUN URI Listed Above Description



List all replication action schedule objects



Get the specified replication action schedule properties



Create a new replication action schedule



Modify the specified replication action schedule object



Delete the specified replication action schedule object

The following table lists the base commands for managing replication automatic snapshot configuration.

  • Project-based operations URIs begin with:

  • Filesystem-based operations URIs begin with:

  • LUN-based operations URIs begin with:


Append the following base commands to the desired context URI listed above to manage replication automatic snapshot configuration.


Share-level auto-snapshot schedules configured within project-level replication actions cannot be accessed with the following project-based operations. Project-level actions can have multiple auto-snapshot schedules in multiple shares, and this interface does not provide a definitive way to identify all combinations.

Table 13-22 Project, Filesystem, or LUN Replication Automatic Snapshot Configuration

Request Append to Project, Filesystem, or LUN URI Listed Above Description



Retrieve auto-snapshot configurations for a project/share's selected replication action



Get a project/share's specified replication action auto-snapshot configuration



Create a new project/share's level replication action auto-snapshot object



Modify a project/share's specified replication action's target auto-snapshot retention policy.



Modify the specified replication action auto-snapshot object



Delete the specified replication action auto-snapshot object

The following table lists the base command for accessing replication action statistics.

  • Project-based operations URIs begin with:

  • Filesystem-based operations URIs begin with:

  • LUN-based operations URIs begin with:


Append the following base commands to the desired context URI listed above to access replication action statistics.

Table 13-23 Accessing Replication Action Statistics

Request Append to Project, Filesystem, or LUN URI Listed Above Description



Retrieve read-only replication statistics for the selected replication action

List Replication Actions

Gets a list of all available replication actions.

Example Request:

GET /api/storage/v2/replication/actions HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic Tm8gcGVla2luZyE=
Accept: application/json

Example Result:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Zfssa-Replication-Api: 1.0
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 529

    "actions": [{
        "href": ""
    }, {
        "href": "",

Get Replication Action

The get replication action status command returns the status of a single replication action given by its ID.

Example Request:

GET /api/storage/v2/replication/actions/1438ed7f-aad3-c631-d869-9e85cd7f15b4 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic Tm8gcGVla2luZyE=
Accept: application/json

Example Result:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Zfssa-Replication-Api: 1.0
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 529

    "action": {
        "average_throughput": 0.0,
        "bytes_sent": 0.0,
        "collection": "local",
        "compression": true,
        "continuous": false,
        "enabled": true,
        "estimated_size": 0.0,
        "estimated_time_left": 0.0,
        "href": "/api/storage/v2/replication/actions",
        "id": "8373d331-de60-e590-90e8-9ad69fcb4aec",
        "include_clone_origin_as_data": false,
        "include_snaps": true,
        "last_sync": "20130916T21:36:50",
        "last_try": "20130916T21:36:50",
        "max_bandwidth": 0,
        "pool": "p1",
        "project": "proj-01",
        "retain_user_snaps_on_target": false,
        "share": "fs1",
        "state": "sending",
        "target": "38094753-6c90-49ed-aa92-995a296d432a",
        "use_ssl": true

Example Request:

The following replication action response shows an example recovery point objective (RPO) and related replica lag warning and alerts.

GET /api/storage/v2/replication/actions HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic Tm8gcGVla2luZyE=

Example Result:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Zfssa-Replication-Api: 1.0
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 529

    "action": {"id": "12d981c3-b098-c65a-e1e9-a6b8263a0f6a",
        "target_id": "4fd305ac-4af5-c34a-87c3-88203207305b",
        "replica_lag": "42:25:31",
        "recovery_point_objective": 0,
        "replica_lag_warning_alert": 0,
        "replica_lag_error_alert": 0,
        "replica_lag_over_warning_limit": false,
        "replica_lag_over_error_limit": false,
        "project": "default"

Create Replication Action

Creates a new replication action.

Create Properties:

Initial values:
                          target = cleo
                         enabled = true
                      continuous = false
                   include_snaps = true
     retain_user_snaps_on_target = false
                           dedup = true
    include_clone_origin_as_data = false
                   max_bandwidth = unlimited
                      bytes_sent = 0
                  estimated_size = 0
             estimated_time_left = 0
              average_throughput = 0
                         use_ssl = true
                     compression = on

Example Request:

POST /api/storage/v2/replication/actions HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic Tm8gcGVla2luZyE=
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 121
Accept: application/json

    "pool": "p1",
    "project": "proj-01",
    "share": "fs1",
    "target_pool": "pool1",
    "target": "38094753-6c90-49ed-aa92-995a296d432a"

Example Result:

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Length: 506
Content-Type: application/json
Location: /api/storage/v2/replication/action/8373d331-de60-e590-90e8-9ad69fcb4aec
X-Zfssa-Replication-Api: 1.0

    "action": {
        "project": "blue1",
        "target": "38094753-6c90-49ed-aa92-995a296d432a",
        "bytes_sent": 0.0,
        "compression": true,
        "continuous": false,
        "enabled": true,
        "dedup": false,
        "max_bandwidth": 0,
        "collection": "local",
        "estimated_size": 0.0,
        "state": "idle",
        "href": "/api/storage/v2/replication/pools/p1/projects/blah1/shares/fs1/
        "average_throughput": 0.0,
        "use_ssl": true,
        "estimated_time_left": 0.0,
        "retain_user_snaps_on_target": false,
        "share": "fs1",
        "id": "8373d331-de60-e590-90e8-9ad69fcb4aec",
        "pool": "p1",
        "include_clone_origin_as_data": false,
        "include_snaps": true

Creates a schedule for a replication action.

Example Request:

POST /api/storage/v2/replication/actions/b77bd8cd-17ed-69da-9e4b-aebe3cc63755/schedules HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic Tm8gcGVla2luZyE=
Accept: */*
Content-Length: 65


Example Result:

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2017 17:35:48 GMT
Server: TwistedWeb/192.0.2
Content-Length: 0
X-Zfssa-Storage-Api: 1.1
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
X-Zfssa-Api-Version: 1.0
X-Zfssa-Version: user/generic@2016.12.08,1-0

Modify Replication Action

Modifies an existing replication action.

Example Request:

PUT /api/storage/v2/replication/actions/c141d88d-ffd2-6730-d489-b71905f340cc HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic Tm8gcGVla2luZyE=
Content-Type: application/json

    "use_ssl": false

Example Result:

HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
X-Zfssa-Replication-Api: 1.0
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 620

    "action": {
        "target_id": "407642ae-91b5-681c-de5e-afcd5cbf2974",
        "compression": true,
        "continuous": false,
        "enabled": true,
        "max_bandwidth": 0,
        "dedup": false,
        "retain_user_snaps_on_target": false,
        "use_ssl": false,
        "id": "c141d88d-ffd2-6730-d489-b71905f340cc",
        "include_clone_origin_as_data": false,
        "include_snaps": true

Example Request:

PUT /api/storage/v2/replication/actions/action_id -d '{"recovery_point_objective": 60}HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic Tm8gcGVla2luZyE=
Content-Type: application/json

Example Result:

X-Zfssa-Replication-Api: 1.0
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 620

    "action": {
        "state_description": "Idle (no update in progress)",
        "recovery_point_objective": 60,
        "replica_lag_over_warning_limit": false,
        "bytes_sent": "0",
        "last_try": "Mon Nov 21 2016 23:25:59 GMT+0000 (UTC)",
        "max_bandwidth": 0,
        "estimated_size": "0",
        "href": "/api/storage/v2/replication/actions/12d981c3-b098-c65a-e1e9-a6b8263a0f6a",
        "estimated_time_left": 0,
        "use_ssl": true,
        "id": "12d981c3-b098-c65a-e1e9-a6b8263a0f6a",
        "stats": {"total_logical_bytes": 40656,
        "last_dd_table_build": 9169029,
        "total_after_dedup": 18476,
        "last_try": "Mon Nov 21 2016 23:25:59 GMT+0000 (UTC)",
        "dd_total_updates": 1,
        "href": "/api/storage/v2/replication/actions/12d981c3-b098-c65a-e1e9-a6b8263a0f6a/stats", 
        "dd_total_duration": 47149245470,
        "last_logical_bytes": 40656,
        "dd_total_table_mem": 2097152,
        "last_result": "success",
        "last_after_dedup": 18476,
        "last_duration": 47149245470,
        {"dd_total_logical_bytes": 40656,
        "total_updates": 1,
        "total_duration": 47149245470,
        "replica_data_timestamp": "Mon Nov 21 2016 23:25:12 GMT+0000 (UTC)",
        "total_to_network": 9623,
        "dd_total_table_build": 9169029,
        "dd_total_phys_bytes": 16800,
        "last_to_network": 9623,
        "total_phys_bytes": 16800,
        "last_phys_bytes": 16800,
        "last_sync": "Mon Nov 21 2016 23:25:59 GMT+0000 (UTC)",
        "last_dd_table_mem": 2097152,
        "dd_total_after_dedup": 18476,
        "dd_total_to_network": 9623},
        "compression": "on",
        "dedup": true,
        "replica_lag_warning_alert": 0,
        "last_result": "success",
        "include_clone_origin_as_data": false,
        "state": "idle",
        "offline": false,
        "export_path": "",
        "export_pending": false,
        "autosnaps": {"autosnaps_retention_policies":
        "href": "/api/storage/v2/replication/actions/12d981c3-b098-c65a-e1e9-a6b8263a0f6a/autosnaps"},
        "replica_data_timestamp": "Mon Nov 21 2016 23:25:12 GMT+0000 (UTC)",
        "continuous": false,
        "target_id": "4fd305ac-4af5-c34a-87c3-88203207305b",
        {"average_throughput": "0B/s",
        "next_update": "Sync now",
        "pool": "p1",
        "replica_lag_over_error_limit": false,
        "target": "pool1",
        "replica_lag": "42:28:24",
        "retain_user_snaps_on_target": false,

Monitor Replication Action Progress

The get replication action status command returns the status of a single replication action given by its ID. Examine state and state_description to determine replication progress.

state property values:

  • sending

  • idle

state_description property values:

  • Connecting to replication target

  • Receiving checkpoint from target

  • Estimating size of update

  • Building deduplication tables

    This property value is only for deduplicated replication streams.

Example Request:

GET /api/storage/v2/replication/actions/1438ed7f-aad3-c631-d869-9e85cd7f15b4 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic Tm8gcGVla2luZyE=
Accept: application/json

Example Result:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Zfssa-Replication-Api: 1.0
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 529

    "action": {
       "id": "1438ed7f-aad3-c631-d869-9e85cd7f15b4",
       "target_id": "4fd3483e-b1f5-4bdc-9be3-b3a4becd0c42",
       "target": "cleo",
       "pool": "p0",
       "replication_of": "testproj",
       "enabled": true,
       "continuous": false,
       "include_snaps": true,
       "retain_user_snaps_on_target": false,
       "dedup": true,
       "include_clone_origin_as_data": false,
       "max_bandwidth": -1,
       "bytes_sent": 0,
       "estimated_size": 0,
       "estimated_time_left": 0,
       "average_throughput": 0,
       "use_ssl": true,
       "compression": "on",
       "export_path": "",
       "state": "sending",
       "state_description": "Receiving checkpoint from target",
       "export_pending": false,
       "offline": false,
       "next_update": "Sync now",
       "replica_data_timestamp": "Thu Apr 28 2016 22:38:03 GMT+0000 (UTC)",
       "last_sync": "<unknown>",
       "last_try": "<unknown>",
       "last_result": "<unknown>",
       "replica_lag": "00:00:18",
       "recovery_point_objective": 0,
       "replica_lag_warning_alert": 0,
       "replica_lag_error_alert": 0,
       "replica_lag_over_warning_limit": false,
       "replica_lag_over_error_limit": false,
       "project": "testproj"

Cancel Update

Cancels an in-progress replication update.

Example Request:

PUT /api/storage/v2/replication/actions/c141d88d-ffd2-6730-d489-b71905f340cc/cancelupdate HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic Tm8gcGVla2luZyE=

Example Result:

HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
X-Zfssa-Replication-Api: 1.0

Send Update

Schedules a replication update to start as soon as possible.

Example Request:

PUT /api/storage/v2/replication/actions/c141d88d-ffd2-6730-d489-b71905f340cc/sendupdate HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic Tm8gcGVla2luZyE=

Example Result:

HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
X-Zfssa-Replication-Api: 1.0

Delete a Replication Action

Deletes an existing replication action.

Example Request:

DELETE /api/storage/v2/replication/actions/e7e688b1-ff07-474f-d5cd-cac08293506e HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic Tm8gcGVla2luZyE=

Successful delete returns HTTP status 204 (No Content).

Example Result:

HTTP/1.1 204 No-Content
X-Zfssa-Replication-Api: 1.0