Snapshot and Clone Operations

All snapshot operations are scoped to a given pool or project. Snapshot operations can also be scoped to the filesystem or LUN level.

  • The URI for all project-based snapshot operations begins with: /api/storage/v{1|2}/pools/pool/projects/project

  • The URI for all filesystem-based snapshot operations begins with: /api/storage/v{1|2}/pools/pool/projects/project/filesystems/filesystem

  • The URI for all LUN-based snapshot operations begins with: /api/storage/v{1|2}/pools/pool/projects/project/luns/lun

To back up a snapshot to the cloud, or restore a snapshot backup to Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance as a new share, see RESTful API Cloud Service.

Table 13-9 Snapshot and Clone Commands

Request Append to Path /api/storage/v{1|2} Description



List all local snapshots



List all projects, including snapshots



List all filesystems, including snapshots



List all LUNs, including snapshots



List all snapshots for a project



List all snapshots for a filesystem



List all snapshots for a LUN



Get project snapshot details



Get filesystem snapshot details



Get LUN snapshot details



Create a project snapshot



Create a filesystem snapshot



Create a LUN snapshot



Modify a project snapshot



Modify a filesystem snapshot



Modify a LUN snapshot



Clone a filesystem snapshot



Clone a LUN snapshot



Rollback data to the given filesystem snapshot



Rollback data to the given LUN snapshot



Destroy a project snapshot



Destroy a filesystem snapshot



Destroy a LUN snapshot



List project snapshot dependents



List filesystem snapshot dependents



List LUN snapshot dependents



Create a new project automatic snapshot object



Create a new project automatic snapshot object. Optionally, set a retention hold. Existing auto-generated snapshots that do not fit new schedules are converted to manual snapshots.

Excluding the convert property causes existing auto-generated snapshots to be destroyed.

If the snapshots have a retention hold, the convert property setting does not change the retention hold nor can the snapshots be converted to manual snapshots.



Get the specified project automatic snapshot properties



List all project automatic snapshot objects



Modify the specified project automatic snapshot object



Modify the specified project automatic snapshot schedule object. Optionally, modify the retention hold setting. Existing auto-generated snapshots that do not fit new schedules are converted to manual snapshots.

Excluding the convert property causes existing auto-generated snapshots to be destroyed.

If the snapshots have a retention hold, the convert property setting does not change the retention hold nor can the snapshots be converted to manual snapshots.



Destroy the specified automatic object



Destroy the specified automatic snapshot schedule object. Existing auto-generated snapshots that do not fit new schedules are converted to manual snapshots.

Excluding the convert property causes existing auto-generated snapshots to be destroyed.

If the snapshots have a retention hold, the convert property setting does not change the retention hold nor can the snapshots be converted to manual snapshots.



Create a new filesystem automatic snapshot object



Create a new filesystem automatic snapshot object. Optionally, set a retention hold. Existing auto-generated snapshots that do not fit new schedules are converted to manual snapshots.

Excluding the convert property causes existing auto-generated snapshots to be destroyed.

If the snapshots have a retention hold, the convert property setting does not change the retention hold nor can the snapshots be converted to manual snapshots.



Get the specified filesystem automatic snapshot properties



List all filesystem automatic snapshot objects



Modify the specified filesystem automatic snapshot object



Modify the specified filesystem automatic snapshot schedule object. Optionally, modify the retention hold setting. Existing auto-generated snapshots that do not fit new schedules are converted to manual snapshots.

Excluding the convert property causes existing auto-generated snapshots to be destroyed.

If the snapshots have a retention hold, the convert property setting does not change the retention hold nor can the snapshots be converted to manual snapshots.



Destroy the specified automatic snapshot schedule object



Destroy the specified filesystem automatic snapshot schedule object. Existing auto-generated snapshots that do not fit new schedules are converted to manual snapshots.

Excluding the convert property causes existing auto-generated snapshots to be destroyed.

If the snapshots have a retention hold, the convert property setting does not change the retention hold nor can the snapshots be converted to manual snapshots.



Create a new LUN automatic snapshot



Create a new LUN automatic snapshot schedule. Optionally, set a retention hold. Existing auto-generated snapshots that do not fit new schedules are converted to manual snapshots.

Excluding the convert property causes existing auto-generated snapshots to be destroyed.

If the snapshots have a retention hold, the convert property setting does not change the retention hold nor can the snapshots be converted to manual snapshots.



Get the specified LUN automatic snapshot properties



List all LUN automatic snapshot objects



Modify the specified LUN automatic snapshot object



Modify the specified LUN automatic snapshot schedule object. Optionally, modify the retention hold setting. Existing auto-generated snapshots that do not fit new schedules are converted to manual snapshots.

Excluding the convert property causes existing auto-generated snapshots to be destroyed.

If the snapshots have a retention hold, the convert property setting does not change the retention hold nor can the snapshots be converted to manual snapshots.



Destroy the specified LUN automatic object



Destroy the specified LUN automatic snapshot schedule object. Existing auto-generated snapshots that do not fit new schedules are converted to manual snapshots.

Excluding the convert property causes existing auto-generated snapshots to be destroyed.

If the snapshots have a retention hold, the convert property setting does not change the retention hold nor can the snapshots be converted to manual snapshots.

List Snapshots

Lists available snapshots on an Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance system. Depending on the request URI, the list contains project, filesystem, or LUN snapshots.

Table 13-10 List Snapshot Command Forms

Command Append to Path /api/storage/v{1|2}/pools/pool/projects/project

List project snapshots


List filesystem snapshots


List LUN snapshots


Example Request:

GET /api/storage/v1/pools/p1/projects/default/snapshots
Accept: application/json

Example Result:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

    "snapshots": [{
        "canonical_name": "p1/local/default@snap-001",
        "collection": "local",
        "creation": "20211104T11:00:00",
        "href": "/api/storage/v1/pools/p1/projects/default/snapshots/snap-001",
        "id": "1bc742f1-6a56-bf7c-0000-000000000000",
        "isauto": false,
        "name": "snap-001",
        "numclones": 0,
        "pool": "p1",
        "project": "default",
        "retentionpolicy": "off",
        "shadowsnap": false,
        "space_data": 31744,
        "space_unique": 0,
        "type": "snapshot"
    }, {

        "canonical_name": "p1/local/default@snap-002",
        "collection": "local",
        "creation": "20211104T11:00:07",
        "href": "/api/storage/v1/pools/p1/projects/default/snapshots/snap-002",
        "id": "24927817-ac89-5071-0000-000000000000",
        "isauto": false,
        "name": "snap-002",
        "numclones": 0,
        "pool": "p1",
        "project": "default",
        "retentionpolicy": "unlocked",
        "shadowsnap": false,
        "space_data": 31744,
        "space_unique": 0,
        "type": "snapshot"

Get Snapshot

View all information about a single snapshot. Returns HTTP status 200 (OK) on success.

Example Request:

GET /api/storage/v1/pools/p1/projects/default/snapshots/snap-001
Accept: application/json

Example Result:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

    "snapshot": {
        "canonical_name": "p1/local/default@snap-001",
        "collection": "local",
        "creation": "20211104T11:00:00",
        "href": "/api/storage/v1/pools/p1/projects/default/snapshots/snap-001",
        "id": "1bc742f1-6a56-bf7c-0000-000000000000",
        "isauto": false,
        "name": "snap-001",
        "numclones": 0,
        "pool": "p1",
        "project": "default",
        "retentionpolicy": "off",
        "shadowsnap": false,
        "space_data": 31744,
        "space_unique": 0,
        "type": "snapshot"

Create Snapshot

The create snapshot command creates snapshots for projects, filesystems, or LUNs.

  • Create Project Snapshot – POST /pools/pool/projects/project/snapshots

  • Create Filesystem Snapshot – POST /pools/pool/projects/project/filesystems/share/snapshots

  • Create Volume Snapshot – POST /pools/pool/projects/project/luns/lun/snapshots

Optionally, you can set a retention policy:

  • If the snapshot is a project snapshot, the retention settings also apply to all of its shares.

  • For a manual snapshot object, you can set the retention policy property to off or unlocked.

  • For an automatic snapshot schedule object, you can set the retentionpolicy property to off or locked. If locked, set the corresponding retentionhold value, which must be the same or less than the keep value.

  • When creating a new automatic snapshot schedule object and setting the convert property to true, existing auto-generated snapshots that do not fit new schedules are converted to manual snapshots. Excluding the convert property or setting it to false causes existing auto-generated snapshots to be destroyed. If the snapshots have a retention hold, the convert property setting does not change the retention hold nor can the snapshots be converted to manual snapshots.

To use the snapshot retention hold feature, apply deferred update "Support for Snapshot Retention." For information about deferred updates, see Deferred Updates in Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance Customer Service Manual, Release OS8.8.x. To understand the required user role authorizations, see Taking a Snapshot (CLI) in Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance Administration Guide, Release OS8.8.x and Scheduling Snapshots (CLI) in Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance Administration Guide, Release OS8.8.x.

Example Request:

Route retention can be used instead of route retentionpolicy. Both are the same.

POST /api/storage/v1/pools/p1/projects/default/snapshots
Content-Type: application/json

    "name": "initial-backup", 
    "retentionpolicy": "unlocked"

Example Result:

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json
Location: /pools/p1/projects/default/snapshot/initial-backup

    "snapshot": {
        "name": "initial-backup",
        "numclones": 0,
        "creation": "20130610T21:00:49",
        "collection": "local",
        "project": "default",
        "canonical_name": "zfs-storage-1/local/default@initial-backup",
        "usage": {
            "unique": 0.0,
            "loading": false,
            "data": 145408.0
        "type": "snapshot",
        "id": "a26abd24-e22b-62b2-0000-000000000000",
        "pool": "p1",
        "retention": "unlocked"

Rename Snapshot

Renames an existing snapshot.

  • Request URI – Snapshot, the current snapshot name

  • Request Body – JSON object with name parameter containing new snapshot name

Optionally, you can modify the retention policy setting while in this same path:

  • If the snapshot is a project snapshot, the retention settings also apply to all of its shares.

  • For a manual snapshot object, you can modify the retention policy property to off or unlocked, as appropriate.

  • If automatic snapshots containing a retention hold have been generated with this schedule, the retentionhold property must be set to a higher value to prevent early lock removal, but not higher than the keep property. If no automatic snapshots have been generated with this schedule, the retention hold can be set to a lower value.

To use the snapshot retention hold feature, apply deferred update "Support for Snapshot Retention." For information about deferred updates, see Deferred Updates in Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance Customer Service Manual, Release OS8.8.x. To understand the required user role authorizations, see Renaming a Snapshot (CLI) in Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance Administration Guide, Release OS8.8.x and Editing a Snapshot Retention Policy (CLI) in Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance Administration Guide, Release OS8.8.x.

Example Request:

PUT /api/storage/v1/pools/p1/projects/default/snapshots/initial-snapshot
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json

    "name": "old-snapshot"

Example Result:

HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
Content-Type: application/json
Location: /pools/p1/projects/default/snapshot/initial-backup

Clone Snapshot

Makes a new filesystem or LUN from an existing snapshot.

The following URI parameters are used:

  • pool - Source pool name
  • project - Source project name
  • filesystem - Source share name for filesystem snapshot
  • lun - Source share name for LUN snapshot
  • snapshot - Source snapshot name

Clone a filesystem:

PUT /pools/pool/projects/project/filesystems/share/snapshots/snapshot/clone

Clone a volume:

PUT /pools/pool/projects/project/luns/lun/snapshots/snapshot/clone

Request body contains a JSON object with the following properties.

The clone will have the same retention hold setting as the original snapshot. To apply or remove a retention hold for the clone, make a snapshot of the clone and specify a new retention hold setting. To use the snapshot retention hold feature, apply deferred update "Support for Snapshot Retention." For information about deferred updates, see Deferred Updates in Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance Customer Service Manual, Release OS8.8.x.

Table 13-11 Clone Snapshot Properties

Property Type Description



Destination clone pool name



Destination clone project name



Destination LUN name for LUN snapshot

Example Request:

PUT /api/storage/v1/pools/p1/projects/default/filesystems/fs01/snapshots/snap01/clone

    "compression": "gzip-9"

Example Result:

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Length: 2035
X-Zfssa-Storage-Api: 1.0
Location: /api/storage/v1/pools/p1/projects/rest/filesystem/snap01clone01
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

    "filesystem": {
        "origin": {
            "project": "default",
            "share": "fs01",
            "snapshot": "snap01",
            "pool": "p1",
            "collection": "local"
        "href": "/api/storage/v1/pools/p1/projects/rest/filesystems/snap01clone01",
        "mountpoint": "/export/snap01clone01",
        "compression": "gzip-9",
        "source": {
            "compression": "local",
       "canonical_name": "zfs-storage-1/local/rest/snap01clone01"

Rollback Snapshot

The rollback snapshot causes the source file system or LUN to be modified back to its state when the snapshot was taken. Successful response returns HTTP status 202 (Accepted), as well as the snapshot properties in JSON format.

The rollback is not allowed if the rollback would remove recent snapshots with a retention hold.

The following URI parameters are used:

  • pool - Source pool name
  • project - Source project name
  • filesystem - Source filesystem name for filesystem snapshot
  • lun - Source LUN name for LUN snapshot
  • snapshot - Source snapshot name

Rollback a filesystem snapshot:

PUT /pools/pool/projects/project/filesystems/filesystem/snapshots/snapshot/rollback

Rollback a LUN snapshot:

PUT /pools/pool/projects/project/luns/lun/snapshots/snapshot/rollback

Example Request:

PUT /api/storage/v1/pools/p1/projects/default/filesystems/fs-01/snapshots/initial-backup/rollback

Example Result:

HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
Location: /pools/p1/projects/default/filesystems/fs-01/snapshot/fs-01-initial-clone
Content-Type: application/json

    "snapshot": {
        "name": "fs-01-initial-clone",
        "numclones": 0,
        "creation": "20130610T21:00:49",
        "filesystem": "fs-01",
        "collection": "local",
        "project": "default",
        "canonical_name": "zfs-storage-1/local/default/
        "usage": {
            "unique": 0.0,
            "loading": false,
            "data": 31744.0
        "type": "snapshot",
        "id": "5c9bda07-21c1-2238-0000-000000000000",
        "pool": "p1"

Delete a Snapshot

The DELETE snapshot command deletes a project, filesystem, or LUN snapshot from the Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance system.

The following URI parameters are used:

  • pool - Source pool name
  • project - Source project name
  • filesystem - Source filesystem name
  • lun - LUN name
  • snapshot - Source snapshot name

Delete a project snapshot:

DELETE /api/storage/v1/pools/pool/projects/project/snapshots/snapshot

Delete a filesystem snapshot:

DELETE /api/storage/v1/pools/pool/projects/project/filesystems/filesystem/snapshots/snapshot

Delete a filesystem LUN:

DELETE /api/storage/v1/pools/pool/projects/project snapshot

If the snapshot has an NDMP hold on it, add ?confirm=true to the DELETE command. Note, however, that this could adversely affect NDMP operations. For more information, see NDMP Configuration in Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance Administration Guide, Release OS8.8.x.

Before a manual snapshot with a retention hold can be deleted, the hold type must be off. To modify a manual snapshot from unlocked to off, use the PUT operation.

An error message might warn that existing automatic snapshots could be destroyed. If the snapshot or its children are actively changing, an error message indicates that the snapshot schedule cannot be removed. Also, if the schedule contains locked automatic snapshots, the schedule cannot be removed until the retention holds expire. If the automatic snapshot schedule has a retention hold but no snapshots have been generated, the schedule can be removed. If the snapshot is a project snapshot, the schedule will also be removed from its shares.

To use the snapshot retention hold feature, apply deferred update "Support for Snapshot Retention." For information about deferred updates, see Deferred Updates in Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance Customer Service Manual, Release OS8.8.x. To understand the required user role authorizations, see Removing a Snapshot Schedule (CLI) in Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance Administration Guide, Release OS8.8.x.

Example Request:

DELETE /pools/p1/projects/default/filesystems/fs-01/snapshots/initial-backup?confirm=true

Example result if ?confirm=true is not added:

If ?confirm=true is not added when an NDMP hold exists on the snapshot, then the command will fail with the following output (lines are artificially broken for readability):

HTTP/1.1 409 Conflict

{"fault": {"message": "request requires confirm=true to complete (confirmation
needed for scripted command (scripted commands must be prefixed with \"confirm\"
to automatically confirm or \"deny\" to automatically deny) (encountered while
attempting to run command \"confirm destroy snap\"))", "code": 409, "name": 

List Snapshot Dependents

Lists dependents for a filesystem or volume. The following URI parameters are used:

  • pool - System storage pool name
  • project - Project name
  • filesystem - Filesystem name
  • lun - LUN name
  • snapshot - Snapshot name

List filesystem dependents:

GET /api/storage/v1/pools/pool/projects/project/filesystems/filesystem/snapshots/snapshot/dependents

List volume dependents:

GET /api/storage/v1/pools/pool/projects/project/lun/lun/snapshots/snapshot/dependents

Example Request:

GET /api/storage/v1/pools/p1/projects/default/filesystems/fs01/snapshots/snap01/dependents
Accept: application/json

Example Result:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Zfssa-Storage-Api: 1.0
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
X-Zfssa-Api-Version: 1.0

    "dependents": [
            "project": "rest",
            "href": "/api/storage/v1/pools/p1/projects/rest/filesystems/snap01clone01",
            "share": "snap01clone01"
            "project": "rest",
            "href": "/api/storage/v1/pools/p1/projects/rest/filesystems/snap01clone02",
            "share": "snap01clone02"
            "project": "rest",
            "href": "/api/storage/v1/pools/p1/projects/rest/filesystems/snap01clone03",
            "share": "snap01clone03"