Suspend Problem Notification

Servicing the appliance can generate false failures. To avoid sending unwanted Service Requests (SRs), you can suspend all notifications during the period when you are performing the service.

For a description of what happens when problem notification is suspended, see Suspending Problem Notification in Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance Customer Service Manual, Release OS8.8.x.

Show Status of Notification Suspension

Use the following command to check whether problem notifications are suspended.

Example Request:

GET /api/problem/v2/suspend_notification HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json

Example Result:

The period property shows the number of minutes remaining in the notification suspension.

    "suspend_notification": {
        "href": "/api/problem/v2/suspend_notification",
        "suspend_notification": "enabled",
        "period": 472

Suspend Notifications

Use the following command to suspend problem notifications. A successful operation returns HTTP Code 202 (Accepted).

Example Request:

PUT /api/problem/v2/suspend_notification/enable HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json

Resume Notifications

Use the following command to resume problem notifications. A successful operation returns HTTP Code 202 (Accepted).

Example Request:

PUT /api/problem/v2/suspend_notification/disable HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json