Applying Deferred Updates (CLI)

Use the following procedure to apply all available deferred updates using the CLI. You must apply all deferred updates or none; you cannot select individual deferred updates.

  1. Go to maintenance system updates.
  2. To determine if there are any available deferred updates, enter show:
    hostname:maintenance system updates> show
    UPDATE                                  DATE                      STATUS
    ak-nas@2011.,1-       2012-6-24 17:14:19        current
    ak-nas@2011.,1-1.28            2012-11-5 03:11:34        waiting
    ak-nas@2013.,1-1.2             2013-6-19 12:58:18        unavailable
  3. If deferred updates are available, you can use the apply command to apply all available deferred updates. Waiting media is listed as unavailable if the currently active software is not sufficiently recent to be able to upgrade to that waiting media. In this example, media has been downloaded for both 2011.1.4.2 and 2013.1 but the 2013.1 update is unavailable because you first need to upgrade to at least 2011.1.4.2.
    Deferred updates:
    The following incompatible updates are available. Applying these updates will
    enable new software features as described below, but will prevent older
    versions of the software from accessing the underlying resources. You should
    apply deferred updates once you have verified that the current software update
    is functioning and a rollback is not required. Applying deferred updates in a
    cluster will also update any resources on the cluster peer.
    1. Support for the "passthrough-x" aclinherit property for shares.
    clownfish:maintenance system updates> apply
    Applying deferred updates will prevent rolling back to previous versions of
    Are you sure? (Y/N) 
    hostname:maintenance system updates> Y