Checking System Health (CLI)

Use the following procedure to check system health using the CLI.

  1. Go to maintenance system updates.
  2. To select the update media, enter select, space, and the update media name:
    hostname:maintenance system updates> select ak-nas@2013.,1-1.6
  3. To upgrade the software and check system health, use the upgrade command:
    hostname:maintenance system updates:ak-nas@2013.,1-1.6> upgrade
    This procedure will consume several minutes and requires a system reboot upon
    successful update, but can be aborted with [Control-C] at any time prior to
    reboot. A health check will validate system readiness before an update is
    attempted, and may also be executed independently using the check command.
    Are you sure? (Y/N)
     Healthcheck running ... /
     Healthcheck completed.  There are no issues at this time which
     would cause an upgrade to this media to be aborted.