Exporting Logs (CLI)

Use the following procedure to export logs using the CLI.

  1. To export logs, use the following CLI commands. A <stdout> gz file containing all the requested log information is downloaded to your local machine.
    hostname:maintenance logs> show
    LOG          ENTRIES    LAST
    alert        3458       2022-2-18 23:02:29
    audit        731        2022-2-20 16:13:04
    fltlog       2          2022-2-3 06:29:02
    scrk         0          -
    system       44         2022-1-14 18:19:59
    hostname:maintenance logs> select fltlog
    hostname:maintenance logs fltlog> collect
    SUNW-MSG-ID: AK-8000-86, TYPE: Defect, VER: 1, SEVERITY: Major
    EVENT-TIME: Sun Nov 13 03:50:15 UTC 2022
    PLATFORM: Sun-Fire-X4240, CSN: 0000000000, 
    HOSTNAME: hpc-iwashi-01
    SOURCE: ak-diagnosis, REV: 1.0
    EVENT-ID: d83655cd-c03d-efff-efde-9c78dd47259e
    DESC: The service processor needs to be reset to ensure proper functioning. 
    IMPACT: Service Processor-controlled functionality, including LEDs, 
    fault management, and the serial console, may not work correctly.
    REC-ACTION: Click the initiate repair button.
    SUNW-MSG-ID: FMD-8000-4M, TYPE: Repair, VER: 1, SEVERITY: Major
    EVENT-TIME: Sun Nov 13 03:50:15 UTC 2022
    PLATFORM: Sun-Fire-X4240, CSN: 0000000000, HOSTNAME: hpc-iwashi-01
    SOURCE: ak-diagnosis, REV: 1.0
    EVENT-ID: d83655cd-c03d-efff-efde-9c78dd47259e
    DESC: All faults associated with an event id have been addressed.
    AUTO-RESPONSE: Some system components offlined 
    because of the original fault may have been brought back online.
    IMPACT: Performance degradation of the system 
    due to the original fault may have been recovered.
    REC-ACTION: No action is required.
    hostname:maintenance logs fltlog>