Logging in to Oracle ILOM Using a Local Serial Connection

Use the following procedure to log in to Oracle ILOM using a local serial connection.

  1. Prepare an administrative client (terminal or terminal emulator) with the serial connection parameters:
    • 8N1: eight data bits, no parity, one stop bit

    • 9600 baud

    • Disable hardware flow control (CTS/RTS)

    • Disable software flow control (XON/XOFF)

  2. Connect the administrative client to the SER MGT port on the controller using a serial null modem cable.
  3. To establish a connection between your serial console and Oracle ILOM, press Enter on the administrative client.

    A login prompt for Oracle ILOM is displayed.

  4. Log in to the Oracle CLI using the administrative account name and password.

    Oracle ILOM displays a default command prompt (->), indicating that you have successfully logged in.