17 Performing a Factory Reset

A factory reset operation resets Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance in the following ways and reboots the appliance.

  • Software version: The factory reset operation sets the appliance to the current version. The current version is shown in the following ways:

    • BUI: The version that is shown as the current version in the Software Updates section in Maintenance: System prior to the factory reset.

    • CLI: The version that is marked current when you use the following command from the maintenance system updates context prior to the factory reset:

      hostname:maintenance system updates> show
  • Appliance configuration: The factory reset operation resets the Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance configuration back to factory settings for the current version described in “Software version” earlier. All configuration changes are discarded and initial configuration is performed again.

  • Deferred updates: The factory reset operation applies all deferred updates. Deferred updates are shown in the following ways:

    • BUI: Updates that are shown in the Deferred Updates section in Maintenance: System prior to the factory reset.

    • CLI: Updates that are marked waiting when you use the show command prior to the factory reset.

User data on the storage pool, including projects and shares, is not affected; however, the pool must be imported during the configuration process.

Loaded software images remain on the system and can still be used to upgrade.