Upgrading Software on a Standalone Controller (CLI)

Use the following procedure to upgrade software on a standalone Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance controller.

  1. On your local system, download the software update as described in Downloading Software Updates.

    The update package is a single compressed file named with the version number, such as ak-nas-2013-06-05-0-0.0.pkg.zip. You can rename the file if needed; the version number is recorded within the image. The updates can vary in size, but are typically several hundred megabytes in size.

  2. To download the software update onto the appliance using the CLI, go to maintenance system updates and enter download:
    hostname:maintenance system updates> download
    hostname:maintenance system updates download (uncommitted)> get
                              url = (unset)
                             user = (unset)
                         password = (unset)
  3. Set the url property to a valid URL for the download.

    This may be either local to your network or over the internet. The URL can be either HTTP (beginning with http://) or FTP (beginning with ftp://). If user authentication is required, it can be a part of the URL (for example, ftp://myusername:mypasswd@myserver/export/mydirectory), or you can leave the username and password out of the URL and instead set the user and password properties, and enter commit.

    After the file has been transferred, it is automatically unpacked and verified.

    hostname:maintenance system updates download (uncommitted)> set url=ftp://mydirectory/update.pkg.zip
                              url = ftp://mydirectory/update.pkg.zip
    hostname:maintenance system updates download (uncommitted)> set user=bmc
                             user = bmc
    hostname:maintenance system updates download (uncommitted)> set password
    Enter password: 
                         password = (set)
    hostname:maintenance system updates download (uncommitted)> commit    
    Transferred 157M of 484M (32.3%) ...  
    Transferred 484M of 484M (100%) ... done 
    Unpacking ... done
  4. Enter list to view the status.
    hostname:maintenance system updates> list
    UPDATE                                 RELEASE DATE              STATUS
    ak-nas@2013.,1-1.7            2015-5-1 20:13            waiting
  5. From this context, you can set any properties specific to the update, including applying deferred updates.

    You can also apply deferred updates after updating the software. When installing a system update that contains a deferred update, you have the option to apply deferred updates upon request or automatically. It is recommended to select upon request and apply the deferred updates during the post-update process.

    For more information on the set of properties available for the particular update, run the help properties command. User-controllable properties begin with the update_ prefix:

    hostname:maintenance system updates ak-nas@2013.,1-1.6> help properties
    Properties that are valid in this context:
       version              => Update media version
       release_date         => Update release date
       install_date         => Update install date
       status               => Update media status
       update_zfs_upgrade   => Apply incompatible storage pool update
    hostname:maintenance system updates ak-nas@2013.,1-1.6> get
                           version = 2013.,1-1.6
                      release_date = 2015-04-21 02:38:15:45
                      install_date = 2015-04-23 09:56:03:44
                            status = waiting
                update_zfs_upgrade = deferred
    hostname:maintenance system updates ak-nas@2013.,1-1.6> set update_zfs_upgrade=onreboot
                update_zfs_upgrade = onreboot
    hostname:maintenance system updates ak-nas@2013.,1-1.6> 
  6. After you set any properties, enter the upgrade command and then enter y to start the update.
    hostname:maintenance system updates> select ak-nas@2013.,1-1.7-nd 
    hostname:maintenance system updates ak-nas@2013.,1-1.7-nd> upgrade
    The selected software update requires a system reboot in order to take effect.
    The system will automatically reboot at the end of the update process. The
    update will take several minutes. At any time during this process, you can
    cancel the update with [Control-C].
    Are you sure? (Y/N) y
    Updating from ... ak/nas@2013.,1-1.6
    Backing up smf(5) ... done.
    Loading media metadata ... done.
    Selecting alternate product ... SUNW,iwashi
    Installing Sun Storage 7120 2013.,1-1.7
    Creating system/boot/ak-nas@2013.,1-1.7 ... done.
    Creating system/root/ak-nas@2013.,1-1.7 ... done.

    As the update proceeds, the latest message is printed. You can cancel the update at any time by pressing Control-C and confirming your action:

    Updating from ... ak/nas@2013.,1-1.6
    Backing up smf(5) ... done.
    Loading media metadata ... ^C
    This will cancel the current update. Are you sure? (Y/N) y
    error: interrupted by user
    hostname:maintenance system updates ak-nas@2013.,1-1.7-nd>


    If an update problem is marked as repaired during an upgrade from software release OS8.8.0 to a later release, the upgrade completion notice is not sent.
  7. Enable any data services that were disabled before the upgrade, as described in Enabling a Service (CLI) in Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance Administration Guide, Release OS8.8.x.