Viewing the Remaining SSD Endurance (CLI)

Use the following procedure to view the remaining SSD endurance.

  1. To list the properties of a disk, use the following CLI commands:
    hostname maintenance hardware
    hostname:maintenance hardware> select chassis-001
    hostname:maintenance hardware chassis-001> select disk
    hostname:maintenance hardware chassis-001> select disk-015
    hostname:maintenance hardware chassis-001 disk-015> list
                             label = HDD 15
                           present = true
                           faulted = false
                      manufacturer = SANDISK
                             model = LB806M---SUN800G
                            serial = 40042896
                          revision = S30E
                              size = 745G
                              type = data
                               use = data
                               rpm = --
                            device = c0t5001E82002630190d0
                         pathcount = 2
                         interface = SAS
                         endurance = 100%
                 endurance_updated = 2022-3-17 22:04:14
                            locate = false
                           offline = false

    As shown above, disk-015 is at 100%, which indicates a new SSD. The remaining endurance estimate decreases as the disk is used.