3 Installation and Configuration

To deploy Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager, you install and configure the engine on a host with Oracle Linux 8.8 (or later Oracle Linux 8 release), configure KVM hosts, storage, and networks, and create virtual machines. Thoroughly review the Requirements and Scalability Limits as the requirements for the engine host are different than the KVM hosts.

To review conceptual information and help to plan your installation, see the Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager: Architecture and Planning Guide.


If you are required to be compliant with the Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS), you can enable FIPS mode for your Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager deployment. See FIPS Mode Deployment in the Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager: Getting Started.

Install the Engine

To install Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager, you perform a fresh installation of Oracle Linux 8.8 (or later) on the host, install the ovirt-engine package, and then run the engine-setup command to configure the Manager.


You can install the Manager in a virtual machine as long as it is not managing that virtual machine, or in a self-hosted engine configuration. For more information, see Self-Hosted Engine Deployment. Do not configure the same host as a standalone engine and a KVM host.

You can download the installation ISO for Oracle Linux 8.8 (or later Oracle Linux 8 release) from the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud at https://edelivery.oracle.com.

  1. Install Oracle Linux 8.8 (or later Oracle Linux 8 release) on the host using the Minimal Install base environment.

    Follow the instructions in the Oracle® Linux 8: Installing Oracle Linux.


    Do not install any additional packages until after you have installed the Manager packages, because they may cause dependency issues.

  2. (Optional) If you use a proxy server for Internet access, configure Yum with the proxy server settings. For more information, see the Oracle® Linux: Managing Software on Oracle Linux.

  3. Complete one of the following sets of steps:

    • For ULN registered hosts or using Oracle Linux Manager

      Subscribe the system to the required channels and enable appstream modules.

      1. For ULN registered hosts, log in to https://linux.oracle.com with your ULN user name and password. For Oracle Linux Manager registered hosts, access your internal server URL.

      2. On the Systems tab, click the link named for the host in the list of registered machines.

      3. On the System Details page, click Manage Subscriptions.

      4. On the System Summary page, select each required channel from the list of available channels and click the right arrow to move the channel to the list of subscribed channels. Subscribe the system to the following channels:

        • ol8_x86_64_baseos_latest

        • ol8_x86_64_appstream

        • ol8_x86_64_kvm_appstream

        • ol8_x86_64_ovirt45

        • ol8_x86_64_ovirt45_extras

        • ol8_x86_64_gluster_appstream

        • (For VDSM) ol8_x86_64_UEKR7

      5. Click Save Subscriptions.

      6. Install the Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager Release 4.5 package, which automatically enables/disables the required repositories.

        # dnf install oracle-ovirt-release-45-el8                    
    • For Oracle Linux yum server hosts

      Install the Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager Release 4.5 package and enable the required repositories.

      1. Enable the ol8_baseos_latest repository.

        # dnf config-manager --enable ol8_baseos_latest        
      2. Install the Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager Release 4.5 package, which automatically enables/disables the required repositories.

        # dnf install oracle-ovirt-release-45-el8                    
      3. Use the dnf command to verify that the required repositories are enabled.

        1. Clear the dnf cache.

          # dnf clean all                        
        2. List the configured repositories and verify that the required repositories are enabled.

          # dnf repolist                 

          The following repositories must be enabled:

          • ol8_baseos_latest

          • ol8_appstream

          • ol8_kvm_appstream

          • ovirt-4.5

          • ovirt-4.5-extra

          • ol8_gluster_appstream

          • (For VDSM) ol8_UEKR7

        3. If a required repository is not enabled, use the dnf config-manager command to enable it.

          # dnf config-manager --enable repository           
  4. If your host is running UEK R7:
    1. Install the Extra kernel modules package.
      # dnf install kernel-uek-modules-extra
    2. Reboot the host.
  5. Install the Manager using the ovirt-engine command.

    # dnf install ovirt-engine  

    Proceed to Configure the Engine.

Configure the Engine

After you install the Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager, you run the engine-setup command (the Setup program) to configure the Manager. You are prompted to answer a series of questions whose values are used to configure the Manager. Some of these questions relate to features that are in technology preview. For more information, see Technology Preview in the Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager: Release Notes.

The Manager uses two PostgreSQL databases: one for the engine and one for the data warehouse. By default, Setup creates and configures the engine database locally on the engine host. Alternatively, you can configure the engine host to use a manually-configured local or remote database. If you choose to use a manually-configured local or remote database, you must set it up before running engine-setup. Currently, running the engine or data warehouse database on a remote host is a technology preview feature.

To configure the Manager:
  1. Run the engine-setup command on the host where you installed the Manager.

    [ INFO ] Stage: Initializing
    [ INFO ] Stage: Environment setup
    Configuration files: /etc/ovirt-engine-setup.conf.d/10-packaging-jboss.conf, /etc/ovirt-engine-setup.conf.d/10-packaging.conf
    Log file: /var/log/ovirt-engine/setup/ovirt-engine-setup-YYYYMMDDHHMMSS-snz1rn.log
    [ INFO ] Stage: Environment packages setup
    [ INFO ] Stage: Programs detection
    [ INFO ] Stage: Environment setup (late)
    [ INFO ] Stage: Environment customization


    Run engine-setup --accept-defaults to automatically accept all questions that have default answers.

    The Setup program prompts you to configure the Manager.

  2. Enter Yes if you want to configure Cinderlib integration, which is currently a Tech Preview feature. The default is No.

    Configure Cinderlib integration (Currently in tech preview) (Yes, No) [No]:
  3. Enter Yes to configure the Manager.

    Configure Engine on this host (Yes, No) [Yes]:

    If you enter No, the configuration stops. To restart, rerun the engine-setup command.

  4. For the remaining configuration questions, provide input or accept default values, which are in square brackets after each question. To accept the default value for a given question, press Enter.


    Setup asks you for the fully-qualified DNS name (FQDN) of the Manager host. Although Setup tries to automatically detect the name, you must ensure the FQDN is correct.

    For detailed information on the configuration options, see Engine Configuration Options.


    Keycloak integration is a technology preview feature for internal Single-Sign-On (SSO) provider for the Engine and it deprecates AAA. When you get to this configuration option, the default response is Yes; however, since this is a preview feature, enter No.
  5. Once you have answered all the questions, Setup displays a list of the values you entered. Review the list carefully and then press Enter to configure the Manager.

    Your answers are saved to a file that can be used to reconfigure the Manager using the same values. Setup also displays the location of the log file for the configuration process.

  6. When the configuration is complete, details about how to log in to the Administration Portal are displayed. To verify that the configuration was successful, log into the Administration Portal, as described in Log in to the Administration Portal.

Engine Configuration Options

The information in thie section describes the options for configuring Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager when you run the engine-setup command.


Some of the configuration option are in technology preview. For more information, see Technology Preview in the Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager: Release Notes.

OVN Provider
Configuring ovirt-provider-ovn also sets the Default cluster's default network provider to ovirt-provider-ovn.
Non-Default clusters may be configured with an OVN after installation.
Configure ovirt-provider-ovn (Yes, No) [Yes]:

Install the Open Virtual Network (OVN) provider on the Manager host and add it as an external network provider. The default cluster is automatically configured to use OVN as its network provider.

OVN is an OVS (Open vSwitch) extension which enables you to configure virtual networks.

Using external providers, including the OVN provider, is a technology preview feature.

WebSocket Proxy
Configure WebSocket Proxy on this machine? (Yes, No) [Yes]:

The WebSocket Proxy enables you to connect to virtual machines using the noVNC or HTML 5 consoles.

For security and performance reasons, you can configure the WebSocket Proxy on a remote host.

Data Warehouse
Please note: Data Warehouse is required for the engine. 
If you choose to not configure it on this host, you have to configure 
it on a remote host, and then configure the engine on this host so that it can 
access the database of the remote Data Warehouse host.
Configure Data Warehouse on this host (Yes, No) [Yes]:

The Data Warehouse feature can run on the Manager host or on a remote host. Running Data Warehouse on a remote host reduces the load on the Manager host.

Running the Data Warehouse on a remote host is a technology preview feature.

* Please note * : Keycloak is now deprecating AAA/JDBC authentication module.
It is highly recommended to install Keycloak based authentication.
Configure Keycloak on this host (Yes, No) [Yes]:No

Are you really sure not to install internal Keycloak based authentication?
AAA modules are being deprecated
Configure Keycloak on this host (Yes, No) [Yes]:No

Keycloak is a technology preview feature for internal Single-Sign-On (SSO) provider for the Engine thus deprecating AAA. In addition, the Provider OVN and the Grafana Portal are reconfigured to use Keycloak SSO as well.

VM Console Proxy
Configure VM Console Proxy on this host (Yes, No) [Yes]:

The VM Console Proxy enables you to access virtual machine serial consoles from a command line. To use this feature, serial consoles must be enabled in the virtual machines.

Use Engine admin password as initial Grafana admin password (Yes, No) [Yes]:

Grafana can be configured to use the Engine password to make signing in easier.

Manager DNS Name
Host fully-qualified DNS name of this server [<autodetected-host-name>]:

The fully-qualified DNS name of the Manager host. Check that the automatically detected DNS name is correct.

Automatic Firewall Configuration
Setup can automatically configure the firewall on this system.
Note: automatic configuration of the firewall may overwrite current settings.
Do you want Setup to configure the firewall? (Yes, No) [Yes]:

The following firewall managers were detected on this system: firewalld
Firewall manager to configure (firewalld): firewalld

Configure the firewall on the host to open the ports used for external communication between Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager and the components it manages.

If Setup configures the firewall, and no firewall managers are active, you are prompted to select a firewall manager from a list.

If you enter No, you must manually configure the firewall. When the Manager configuration is complete, Setup displays a list of ports that need to be opened, see for details.

Data Warehouse Database
Where is the DWH database located? (Local, Remote) [Local]:

The Data Warehouse database (the history database) can run on the Manager host or on a remote host. Running the database on a remote host reduces the load on the Manager host.

Running the database on a remote host is a technology preview feature.


In this step you configure the name of the database, and the user name and password for connecting to it. Make a note of these details.

Enter Local to connect to a local PostgreSQL server, or Remote to connect to an existing PostgreSQL server running on a remote host.

If you enter Local, you can choose whether to set up a local PostgreSQL server automatically, or to connect to an existing local PostgreSQL server.

Setup can configure the local postgresql server automatically for the DWH to run. 
This may conflict with existing applications.
Would you like Setup to automatically configure postgresql and create DWH database, 
or prefer to perform that manually? (Automatic, Manual) [Automatic]:

Enter Automatic to have Setup configure a local database server, or Manual to connect to an existing local database server. If you enter Manual, you are prompted for the details for connecting to the database:

DWH database secured connection (Yes, No) [No]:
DWH database name [ovirt_engine_history]:
DWH database user [ovirt_engine_history]:
DWH database password:

If you enter Remote to connect to an existing PostgreSQL server running on a remote host, you are prompted for the details for connecting to the database:

DWH database host [localhost]:
DWH database port [5432]:
DWH database secured connection (Yes, No) [No]:
DWH database name [ovirt_engine_history]:
DWH database user [ovirt_engine_history]:
DWH database password:
Engine Database
Where is the Engine database located? (Local, Remote) [Local]:

The Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager database (the engine database) can run on the Manager host or on a remote host. Running the database on a remote host reduces the load on the Manager host.

Running the database on a remote host is a technology preview feature.


In this step you configure the name of the database, and the user name and password for connecting to it. Make a note of these details.

Enter Local to connect to a local PostgreSQL server, or Remote to connect to an existing PostgreSQL server running on a remote host.

If you enter Local, you can choose whether to set up a local PostgreSQL server automatically, or to connect to an existing local PostgreSQL server.

Setup can configure the local postgresql server automatically for the engine to run.
This may conflict with existing applications.
Would you like Setup to automatically configure postgresql and create Engine database, 
or prefer to perform that manually? (Automatic, Manual) [Automatic]:

Enter Automatic to have Setup configure a local database server, or Manual to connect to an existing local database server. If you enter Manual, you are prompted for the details for connecting to the database:

Engine database secured connection (Yes, No) [No]:
Engine database name [engine]:
Engine database user [engine]:
Engine database password:

If you enter Remote to connect to an existing PostgreSQL server running on a remote host, you are prompted for the details for connecting to the database:

Engine database host [localhost]:
Engine database port [5432]:
Engine database secured connection (Yes, No) [No]:
Engine database name [engine]:
Engine database user [engine]:
Engine database password:
Admin User Password
Engine admin password:
Confirm engine admin password:

Enter a password for the default administrative user (admin@internal). Make a note of the password. If you use a simple password, you might get the following warning:

[WARNING] Password is weak: The password fails the dictionary check - it is based on a dictionary word
Use weak password? (Yes, No) [No]: Yes
Application Mode
Application mode (Both, Virt, Gluster) [Both]:

The Manager can be configured to manage virtual machines (Virt) or manage Gluster clusters (Gluster), or Both.

OVN Provider Credentials
Use default credentials (admin@internal) for ovirt-provider-ovn (Yes, No) [Yes]:
oVirt OVN provider user[admin@internal]:
oVirt OVN provider password:

If you installed the OVN provider, configure the credentials for connecting to the OVN (Open vSwitch) databases.

Using external providers, including the OVN provider, is a technology preview feature.

SAN Wipe After Delete
Default SAN wipe after delete (Yes, No) [No]:

Enter Yes to set the default value for the wipe_after_delete flag to true, which wipes the blocks of a virtual disk when it is deleted.

Using the wipe after delete functionality is a technology preview feature.

Web Server Configuration
Organization name for certificate [<autodetected-domain-based-name>]:

Provide the organization name to use for the automatically generated self-signed SSL certificate used by the Manager web server.

Setup can configure the default page of the web server to 
present the application home page. This may conflict with existing applications.
Do you wish to set the application as the default web page of the server? (Yes, No) [Yes]:

Enter Yes to make the Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager landing page the default page presented by the web server.

Setup can configure apache to use SSL using a certificate issued 
from the internal CA. Do you wish Setup to configure that, or prefer to 
perform that manually? (Automatic, Manual) [Automatic]:

Enter Automatic to generate a self-signed SSL certificate for the web server. Only use self-signed certificates for testing purposes.

Enter Manual to provide the location of the SSL certificate and private key to use the web server.


For more information, see the following My Oracle Support articles:
  • How to renew OLVM Hosts Certificate in OLVM Environment/Infrastructure (Doc ID 2885203.1)
  • VM Migration fails with Error " The server certificate /etc/pki/vdsm/libvirt-vnc/server-cert.pem has expired" (Doc ID 2959537.1)
  • Moving From Custom 3rd Party CA Certification to Default certification (Doc ID 2963343.1)
Data Warehouse Sampling Scale
Please choose Data Warehouse sampling scale:
(1) Basic
(2) Full
(1, 2)[1]:

Set the Data Warehouse sampling scale, either Basic or Full. This step is skipped the Data Warehouse is not configured to run on the Manager host.

Enter 1 for Basic, which reduces the values of DWH_TABLES_KEEP_HOURLY to 720 and DWH_TABLES_KEEP_DAILY to 0. Enter 2 for Full.

If the Manager and the Data Warehouse run on the same host, Basic is the recommended sample scale because this reduces the load on the Manager host. Full is recommended only if the Data Warehouse runs on a remote host.

The Full sampling scale is a technology preview feature.

Log in to the Administration Portal

After you run the engine-setup command to configure Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager, you should log into the Administration Portal to verify that the configuration was successful.

Prepare to Log In

We recommended that you use the latest version one of the following browsers to access the Administration Portal

  • Mozilla Firefox

  • Google Chrome

  • Microsoft Edge

If Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager was configured to use a self-signed SSL certificate, or an SSL certificate that is signed by a Certificate Authority (CA) that is not trusted by the browser (for example an Intermediate CA), you should install the CA certificate in the browser. Consult your browser's instructions for how to import a CA certificate.

You can download the CA certificate by clicking Engine CA Certificate on the Welcome dashboard or by navigating directly to http://manager-fqdn/ovirt-engine/services/pki-resource?resource=ca-certificate&format=X509-PEM-CA.

Usually you access the Administration Portal using the fully qualified domain name of the Manager host that you provided during installation. However, you can access the Administration Portal using an alternate host name(s). To do this, you need to add a configuration file to the Manager as follows:

  1. Log in to the Manager host as root.

  2. Create the file /etc/ovirt-engine/engine.conf.d/99-custom-sso-setup.conf with the following content:

    SSO_ALTERNATE_ENGINE_FQDNS="alias1.example.com alias2.example.com"

    The list of alternate host names must be separated by spaces.

  3. Restart Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager.

    # systemctl restart ovirt-engine       

Log In and Log Out

Log in to the Administration Portal using a web browser and the default admin@internal user.

  1. Go to https://manager-fqdn/ovirt-engine. The Welcome page displays.

  2. (Optional) Change the preferred language from the drop-down list on the Welcome page.

    You can view the Administration Portal in multiple languages. The default language is based on the locale of your web browser.

  3. Click Administration Portal. The Login page displays.

  4. Enter admin for the Username and the password you specified when you configured the Manager.

  5. From the Profile list, select internal and click Log In.


From the Welcome dashboard, you also have the option of logging into two additional portals:

  • The VM Portal

  • The Monitoring Portal

For more information, see Access Portals in the Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager: Architecture and Planning Guide

To log out of the Administration Portal, click the person icon in the header bar and click Sign Out. You are returned to the Login page.

Configure a KVM Host

To manage an Oracle Linux KVM host using Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager, prepare the KVM host by performing a fresh installation of Oracle Linux 8.8 (or later Oracle Linux 8 release) and enabling the required repositories, and then you add the host to a data center using the Administration Portal.

Before you begin, ensure you have satisfied the KVM Host Requirements as detailed in the Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager: Architecture and Planning Guide.

Refer to the Oracle® Linux: KVM User's Guide for information on the supported guest operating systems.

Prepare a KVM Host

Before you can add an Oracle Linux KVM host, prepare it by performing a fresh installation of Oracle Linux 8.8 (or later Oracle Linux 8 release) and enabling the required repositories. You can download the installation ISO for Oracle Linux 8.8 (or later Oracle Linux 8 release) from the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud at https://edelivery.oracle.com.

  1. Install Oracle Linux 8.8 (or later Oracle Linux 8 release) on the host.

    • Follow the instructions in the Oracle® Linux 8: Installing Oracle Linux.

    • Select Minimal Install as the base environment for the installation.


      Do NOT select any other base environment than Minimal Install for the installation or your hosts will have incorrect qemu and libvirt versions, incorrect repositories configured, and no access to virtual machine consoles.

    • Do not install any additional packages until after you have added the host to the Manager, because they may cause dependency issues.

  2. (Optional) If you use a proxy server for Internet access, configure Yum with the proxy server settings. For more information, see the Oracle® Linux: Managing Software on Oracle Linux.

  3. Complete one of the following sets of steps:

    • For ULN registered hosts or using Oracle Linux Manager

      Subscribe the system to the required channels and enable appstream modules.

      1. For ULN registered hosts, log in to https://linux.oracle.com with your ULN user name and password. For Oracle Linux Manager registered hosts, access your internal server URL.

      2. On the Systems tab, click the link named for the host in the list of registered machines.

      3. On the System Details page, click Manage Subscriptions.

      4. On the System Summary page, select each required channel from the list of available channels and click the right arrow to move the channel to the list of subscribed channels. Subscribe the system to the following channels:

        • ol8_x86_64_baseos_latest

        • ol8_x86_64_appstream

        • ol8_x86_64_kvm_appstream

        • ol8_x86_64_ovirt45

        • ol8_x86_64_ovirt45_extras

        • ol8_x86_64_gluster_appstream

        • (For VDSM) ol8_x86_64_UEKR7

      5. Click Save Subscriptions.

      6. Install the Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager Release 4.5 package, which automatically enables/disables the required repositories.

        # dnf install oracle-ovirt-release-45-el8                    
    • For Oracle Linux yum server configured KVM hosts

      Install the Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager Release 4.5 package and enable the required repositories.


      Installing the Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager Release 4.5 package configures an Oracle Linux KVM host; it does not install the Manager.

      1. Enable the ol8_baseos_latest repository.

        # dnf config-manager --enable ol8_baseos_latest
      2. Install the Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager Release 4.5 package, which automatically enables/disables the required repositories.

        # dnf install oracle-ovirt-release-45-el8
      3. Use the dnf command to verify that the required repositories are enabled.

        1. Clear the dnf cache.

          # dnf clean all                                     
        2. List the configured repositories and verify that the required repositories are enabled.

          # dnf repolist                    

          The following repositories must be enabled:

          • ol8_baseos_latest

          • ol8_appstream

          • ol8_kvm_appstream

          • ovirt-4.5

          • ovirt-4.5-extra

          • ol8_gluster_appstream

          • (For VDSM) ol8_UEKR7

        3. If a required repository is not enabled, use the dnf config-manager to enable it.

          # dnf config-manager --enable repository
  4. If your host is running UEK R7:
    1. Install the Extra kernel modules package.
      # dnf install kernel-uek-modules-extra
    2. Reboot the host.
  5. (Optional) Activate the Cockpit web console and open the firewall port.

    # systemctl enable --now cockpit.socket
    # firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-service=cockpit
    # firewall-cmd --reload           

    The Cockpit web interface can be used to monitor the host’s resources and to perform administrative tasks. You can access the host's Cockpit web interface from the Administration Portal or by connecting directly to the host.

    For more information about configuring firewalld, see Configuring a Packet Filtering Firewall in the Oracle® Linux 8: Configuring the Firewall.

  6. (Optional) Complete the previous steps to prepare additional KVM hosts.

The Oracle Linux KVM host is now ready to be added to the Manager using the Administration Portal.

Add a KVM Host

Once you have configured an Oracle Linux KVM host, you use the Administration Portal to add the host to a data center so that it can be used to run virtual machines. You can follow the steps below to add KVM hosts installed with other supported guest operating systems.


Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager allows you to overallocate a KVM host's memory and CPU resources. As the KVM host itself also needs memory and CPU in order to run, Oracle recommends that you reserve some memory and CPU for the KVM host. To do this, go to Administration and set a memory quota and a vCPU quota.

To add an Oracle Linux KVM host:

  1. Log in to the Administration Portal.

    See Log in to the Administration Portal for details.

  2. Go to Compute and then click Hosts.

  3. On the Hosts pane, click New.

    The New Host dialog box opens with the General tab selected on the sidebar.

  4. From the Host Cluster drop-down list, select the data center and host cluster for the host.

    The Default data center is auto-selected.

    When you install Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager, a data center and cluster named Default is created. You can rename and configure this data center and cluster, or you can add new data centers and clusters, to meet your needs. See the Data Centers or Clusters tasks in the Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager: Administration Guide.

  5. In the Name field, enter a name for the host.

  6. In the Hostname field, enter the fully-qualified domain name or IP address of the host.

  7. In the SSH Port field, change the standard SSH port 22 if the SSH server on the host uses a different port.

  8. Under Authentication, select the authentication method to use.

    Oracle recommends that you select SSH PublicKey authentication. If you select this option, copy the key displayed in the SSH PublicKey field to the /root/.ssh/authorized_keys file on the host.

    Otherwise, enter the root user's password to use password authentication.

  9. (Optional) Configure other settings for the host from the other tabs on the New Host sidebar.


    If you do not want to set any other configuration options now, you can always make changes later by selecting a host from the Hosts pane and clicking Edit.

  10. Click OK.

    The Power Management Configuration screen is displayed.

  11. Do one of the following:

    The host is added to the list of hosts in the Manager. While the Manager is installing the host agent (VDSM) and other required packages on the host, the status of the host is shown as Installing. You can view the progress of the installation in the Hosts details pane. When the installation is complete, the host status changes to Up.

  12. (Optional) Complete the previous steps to add more KVM hosts to the Manager.


After a KVM host is added to a cluster, it is also crucial to avoid any spontaneous changes to the network configuration in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ or through the NetworkManager (e.g. nmcli). All changes to the network configuration should be carried out through the engine host/manager Administration Portal or REST API.

Now that you have your engine and host(s) configured, see the Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager: Administration Guide for detailed configuration and administrative tasks.