4 Deprecated Features

The following features are marked as deprecated in the upstream release and may be removed in a future release.

  • Integration with GlusterFS, an open source scale-out distributed filesystem, to provide a hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI) cluster where both compute and storage are provided from the same hosts.
  • The Oracle Enterprise Manager Virtualization Technology (VT) plug-in supporting Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager is deprecated. You can use the Grafana integration as an alternative monitoring and reporting solution. For more information, see Data Visualization with Grafana in the Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager: Architecture and Planning Guide.
  • The Log Collector Analyzer Tool (ovirt-log-collector-analyzer) is a command-line tool that analyzes and reports on the Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager environment.
  • Export domains are temporary storage repositories that are used to copy and move images between data centers and Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager environments. Use data domains instead.
  • ISO domains store ISO files which you can attach to virtual machines and use to install and boot operating systems and applications. Use data domains instead.
  • The ISO Uploader Tool (engine-iso-uploader) is a command-line tool for uploading ISO images to an ISO storage domain. Use the Administration Portal or the REST API to upload ISO images to data domains instead.
  • The ovirt-shell command line interface has not been updated to support any new features added to the upstream release since version 4.0. For automation purposes, either use the REST API or another tool such as Ansible.
  • USB Clerk is a service that is able to install and uninstall USB drivers in Windows virtual machines. Use the usbdk driver instead.
  • In the event notifications configuration file (/usr/share/ovirt-engine/services/ovirt-engine-notifier/ovirt-engine-notifier.conf), the FAILED_QUERIES_NOTIFICATION_RECIPIENTS variable is deprecated. Use the FILTER variable instead.