Adjusting the Interrupt Limit

Hardware provides a finite number of interrupts, so Oracle Solaris limits the number of interrupts that each device can use. The default limit should match the needs of a typical system configuration but you might need to adjust this value for certain system configurations.


These limitations do not apply to servers starting with the SPARC M7, SPARC T7, and SPARC S7 series server.

When you enable I/O virtualization on a PCIe bus, interrupt hardware resources are assigned to each I/O domain. Each domain is allotted a finite number of those resources, which might lead to some interrupt allocation issues. This situation affects only the SPARC T4, SPARC T5, SPARC M5, and SPARC M6 platforms.

The following warning on the Oracle Solaris console means the interrupt supply was exhausted while attaching I/O device drivers:

WARNING: ddi_intr_alloc: cannot fit into interrupt pool

Specifically, the limit might need adjustment if the system is partitioned into multiple logical domains and if too many I/O devices are assigned to any guest domain. Oracle VM Server for SPARC divides the total number of interrupts into smaller sets and assigns them to guest domains. If too many I/O devices are assigned to a guest domain, its interrupt supply might be too small to provide each device with the default limit of interrupts. Thus, the guest domain exhausts its interrupt supply before it completely attaches all the drivers.

Some drivers provide an optional callback routine that permits the Oracle Solaris OS to automatically adjust their interrupts. The default limit does not apply to these drivers.

Use the ::irmpools and ::irmreqs MDB macros to determine how interrupts are used. The ::irmpools macro shows the overall interrupt supply divided into pools. The ::irmreqs macro shows which devices are mapped to each pool. For each device, ::irmreqs shows whether the default limit is enforced by an optional callback routine, how many interrupts each driver requested, and how many interrupts each driver has.

Although these macros do not show information about drivers that failed to attach, you can use the information to calculate the extent to which you can adjust the default limit. You can force any device that uses more than one interrupt without providing a callback routine to use fewer interrupts by adjusting the default limit. For such devices, reduce the default limit to free interrupts that can be used by other devices.

To adjust the default limit, set the ddi_msix_alloc_limit property to a value from 1 to 8 in the /etc/system file. Then, reboot the system for the change to take effect.

For information about correctly creating or updating /etc/system property values, see Updating Property Values in the /etc/system File.

To maximize performance, start by assigning larger values and decrease the values in small increments until the system boots successfully without any warnings. Use the ::irmpools and ::irmreqs macros to measure the adjustment's impact on all attached drivers.

For example, suppose the following warnings are issued while booting the Oracle Solaris OS in a guest domain:

WARNING: emlxs3: interrupt pool too full.
WARNING: ddi_intr_alloc: cannot fit into interrupt pool

The ::irmpools and ::irmreqs macros show the following information:

# echo "::irmpools" | mdb -k
00000400016be970 px#0    MSI/X  36    36         36

# echo "00000400016be970::irmreqs" | mdb -k
00001000143acaa8 emlxs#0 MSI-X  No       32     8    8
00001000170199f8 emlxs#1 MSI-X  No       32     8    8
000010001400ca28 emlxs#2 MSI-X  No       32     8    8
0000100016151328 igb#3   MSI-X  No       10     3    3
0000100019549d30 igb#2   MSI-X  No       10     3    3
0000040000e0f878 igb#1   MSI-X  No       10     3    3
000010001955a5c8 igb#0   MSI-X  No       10     3    3

The default limit in this example is 8 interrupts per device, which is not enough interrupts to accommodate attaching the final emlxs3 device to the system. Assuming that all emlxs instances behave in the same way, emlxs3 probably requested 8 interrupts.

By subtracting the 12 interrupts used by all of the igb devices from the total pool size of 36 interrupts, 24 interrupts are available for the emlxs devices. Dividing the 24 interrupts by 4 suggests that 6 interrupts per device would enable all emlxs devices to attach with equal performance. So, the following adjustment is added to the /etc/system file:

set ddi_msix_alloc_limit = 6

For information about correctly creating or updating /etc/system property values, see Updating Property Values in the /etc/system File.

When the system successfully boots without warnings, the ::irmpools and ::irmreqs macros show the following updated information:

primary# echo "::irmpools" | mdb -k
00000400018ca868 px#0    MSI/X  36    36         36
# echo "00000400018ca868::irmreqs" | mdb -k
0000100016143218 emlxs#0 MSI-X  No       32     8    6
0000100014269920 emlxs#1 MSI-X  No       32     8    6
000010001540be30 emlxs#2 MSI-X  No       32     8    6
00001000140cbe10 emlxs#3 MSI-X  No       32     8    6
00001000141210c0 igb#3   MSI-X  No       10     3    3
0000100017549d38 igb#2   MSI-X  No       10     3    3
0000040001ceac40 igb#1   MSI-X  No       10     3    3
000010001acc3480 igb#0   MSI-X  No       10     3    3