Booting From a Virtual LUN

You can boot any virtual LUN whose associated physical LUN references a SCSI device type that is bootable by OBP, such as CD, DVD, or disk.

Before you issue the boot command at the OpenBoot PROM prompt, run the probe-scsi-all command to find the guest domain's virtual SCSI HBAs and associated virtual LUNs.

The following annotated example highlights the relevant parts of the output:

{0} ok probe-scsi-all
/virtual-devices@100/channel-devices@200/scsi@0           Line 1
TPORT-PHYS: w200200110d214900                             Line 2
  LUN: 1   Disk     VLUN          2097152 Blocks, 1073 MB
  LUN: 0   Disk     VLUN          32768000 Blocks, 16 GB  Line 3

This example probe-scsi-all output shows one virtual SCSI HBA instance (scsi@0) that has two LUNs that are of type disk.

To boot from a specific virtual LUN, manually compose the device path to pass to the boot command. The device path has this syntax:


To boot from the LUN on Line 3, you must compose the device path as follows:

  • Take the value of target-port from Line 2

  • Take the value of vhba-device-path from Line 1

The following is the resulting device path:


You can pass this device path to the OBP boot command as follows:

{0} ok boot /virtual-devices@100/channel-devices@200/scsi@0/disk@w200200110d214900,0