Degraded Configuration

Each physical domain can have only one degraded configuration saved to the SP. If a degraded configuration already exists, it is replaced by the newly created degraded configuration.

You cannot interact directly with degraded configurations. The system firmware transparently boots the degraded version of the next power-on configuration, if necessary. This transparency enables the system to boot the original configuration after a power cycle when the missing resources reappear. When the active configuration is a degraded configuration, it is marked as [degraded] in the ldm list-spconfig output.


You cannot delete the original configuration from the SP until the system successfully boots the original configuration.

The autosave functionality is disabled while the active configuration is a degraded configuration. If you save a new configuration to the SP while a degraded configuration is active, the new configuration is a normal non-degraded configuration.


A previously missing resource that reappears on a subsequent power cycle has no effect on the contents of a normal configuration. However, if you subsequently select the configuration that triggered recovery mode, the SP boots the original, non-degraded configuration now that all its hardware is available.