How to Create a Role and Assign the Role to a User

  1. Become an administrator.
  2. Create a role.
    # roleadd -P "profile-name" role-name
  3. Assign a password to the role.

    You will be prompted to specify and then verify a new password.

    # passwd role-name
  4. Assign the role to a user.
    # useradd -R role-name username
  5. Assign a password to the user.

    You will be prompted to specify and then verify a new password.

    # passwd username
  6. Become the user and provide the password, if necessary.
    # su username
  7. Verify that the user has access to the assigned role.
    $ id
    uid=nn(username) gid=nn(group-name)
    $ roles
  8. Assume the role and provide the password, if necessary.
    $ su role-name
  9. Verify that the user has assumed the role.
    $ id
    uid=nn(role-name) gid=nn(group-name)

Example 2-1 Creating a Role and Assigning the Role to a User

This example shows how to create the ldm_read role, assign the role to the user_1 user, become the user_1 user, and assume the ldm_read role.

# roleadd -P "LDoms Review" ldm_read
# passwd ldm_read
New Password:
Re-enter new Password:
passwd: password successfully changed for ldm_read
# useradd -R ldm_read user_1
# passwd user_1
New Password:
Re-enter new Password:
passwd: password successfully changed for user_1
# su user_1
$ id
uid=95555(user_1) gid=10(staff)
$ roles
$ su ldm_read
$ id
uid=99667(ldm_read) gid=14(sysadmin)