How to Modify the Autorecovery Policy

  1. Log in to the control domain.
  2. Become an administrator.
  3. View the autorecovery_policy property value.
    primary# svccfg -s ldmd listprop ldmd/autorecovery_policy
  4. Stop the ldmd service.
    primary# svcadm disable ldmd
  5. Change the autorecovery_policy property value.
    primary# svccfg -s ldmd setprop ldmd/autorecovery_policy=value

    For example, to set the policy to perform autorecovery, set the property value to 3:

    primary# svccfg -s ldmd setprop ldmd/autorecovery_policy=3
  6. Refresh and restart the ldmd service.
    primary# svcadm refresh ldmd
    primary# svcadm enable ldmd

Example 16-1 Modifying the Autorecovery Policy From Log to Autorecovery

The following example shows how to view the current value of the autorecovery_policy property and change it to a new value. The original value of this property is 1, which means that autosave changes are logged. The svcadm command is used to stop and restart the ldmd service, and the svccfg command is used to view and set the property value.

primary# svccfg -s ldmd listprop ldmd/autorecovery_policy
ldmd/autorecovery_policy integer 1
primary# svcadm disable ldmd
primary# svccfg -s ldmd setprop ldmd/autorecovery_policy=3
primary# svcadm refresh ldmd
primary# svcadm enable ldmd