How to Remove All Non-Physically Bound Resources

To constrain guest domains that do not have the physical-bindings constraint, you must first remove all non-physically bound resources. A non-physically assigned resource or a non-physically bound resource is also referred to as an anonymous resource.

  1. Unbind the domain.
    primary# ldm unbind domain-name
  2. Set the number of resources to 0.
    • To set the CPU resource:

      primary# ldm set-core 0 domain-name
    • To set the memory resource:

      primary# ldm set-mem 0 domain-name
  3. Add CPU or memory resources that are named.
    • To add a CPU resource:

      primary# ldm add-core cid=core-ID domain-name
    • To add a memory resource:

      primary# ldm add-mem mblock=PA-start:size domain-name
  4. Rebind the domain.
    primary# ldm bind domain-name