Listing Resource Group Information

You can use the ldm list-rsrc-group command to show information about resource groups.

The following command shows information about all the resource groups:

primary# ldm list-rsrc-group
NAME                        CORE MEMORY IO
/SYS/CMU4                   12   256G   4
/SYS/CMU5                   12   256G   4
/SYS/CMU6                   12   128G   4
/SYS/CMU7                   12   128G   4

Like the other ldm list-* commands, you can specify options to show parseable output, detailed output, and information about particular resource groups and domains. For more information, see the ldm(8) man page.

The following example uses the -l option to show detailed information about the /SYS/CMU5 resource group.

primary# ldm list-rsrc-group -l /SYS/CMU5
NAME                                    CORE   MEMORY    IO
/SYS/CMU5                               12     256G      4

    CID                                             BOUND
    192, 194, 196, 198, 200, 202, 208, 210          primary
    212, 214, 216, 218                              primary


    PA              SIZE              BOUND
    0xc0000000000   228M              ldg1
    0xc0030000000   127G              primary
    0xc1ffc000000   64M               _sys_
    0xd0000000000   130816M           primary
    0xd1ffc000000   64M               _sys_

    DEVICE          PSEUDONYM         BOUND
    pci@900         pci_24            primary
    pci@940         pci_25            primary
    pci@980         pci_26            primary
    pci@9c0         pci_27            primary