Managing SR-IOV Virtual Functions on Non-primary Root Domains

These commands create two virtual functions from each of the two physical functions that belong to the non-primary root domain.

primary# ldm create-vf /SYS/MB/PCIE5/IOVNET.PF0
Created new vf: /SYS/MB/PCIE5/IOVNET.PF0.VF0
primary# ldm create-vf /SYS/MB/PCIE5/IOVNET.PF0
Created new vf: /SYS/MB/PCIE5/IOVNET.PF0.VF1
primary# ldm create-vf /SYS/MB/NET2/IOVNET.PF1
Created new vf: /SYS/MB/NET2/IOVNET.PF1.VF0
primary# ldm create-vf /SYS/MB/NET2/IOVNET.PF1
Created new vf: /SYS/MB/NET2/IOVNET.PF1.VF1

You can also use the -n option to create the two virtual functions by using the following two commands:

primary# ldm create-vf -n 2 /SYS/MB/PCIE5/IOVNET.PF0
Created new vf: /SYS/MB/PCIE5/IOVNET.PF0.VF0
Created new vf: /SYS/MB/PCIE5/IOVNET.PF0.VF1
primary# ldm create-vf -n 2 /SYS/MB/NET2/IOVNET.PF1
Created new vf: /SYS/MB/NET2/IOVNET.PF1.VF0
Created new vf: /SYS/MB/NET2/IOVNET.PF1.VF1

If you were unable to dynamically create the virtual functions on a given physical function, initiate a delayed reconfiguration to create them statically.

primary# ldm start-reconf ldg1
primary# ldm create-vf /SYS/MB/PCIE5/IOVNET.PF0
Created new vf: /SYS/MB/PCIE5/IOVNET.PF0.VF0
primary# ldm create-vf /SYS/MB/PCIE5/IOVNET.PF0
Created new vf: /SYS/MB/PCIE5/IOVNET.PF0.VF1
primary# ldm create-vf /SYS/MB/NET2/IOVNET.PF1
Created new vf: /SYS/MB/NET2/IOVNET.PF1.VF0
primary# ldm create-vf /SYS/MB/NET2/IOVNET.PF1
Created new vf: /SYS/MB/NET2/IOVNET.PF1.VF1

Then reboot the root domain, ldg1, to effect the changes.

primary# ldm stop-domain -r ldg1

The following command shows the new virtual functions.

primary# ldm list-io
NAME                                      TYPE   BUS      DOMAIN   STATUS   
----                                      ----   ---      ------   ------   
/SYS/PM0/CMP0/PXE                         BUS    pci_0    primary  IOV
/SYS/PM0/CMP1/PXE                         BUS    pci_1    ldg1     IOV
/SYS/PM0/CMP0/NIU_CORE                    NIU    niu_0    primary
/SYS/PM0/CMP1/NIU_CORE                    NIU    niu_1    primary
/SYS/MB/PCIE0                             PCIE   pci_0    primary  OCC      
/SYS/MB/PCIE2                             PCIE   pci_0    primary  OCC      
/SYS/MB/PCIE4                             PCIE   pci_0    primary  OCC      
/SYS/MB/PCIE6                             PCIE   pci_0    primary  EMP      
/SYS/MB/PCIE8                             PCIE   pci_0    primary  EMP      
/SYS/MB/SASHBA                            PCIE   pci_0    primary  OCC      
/SYS/MB/NET0                              PCIE   pci_0    primary  OCC      
/SYS/MB/PCIE1                             PCIE   pci_1    ldg1     OCC      
/SYS/MB/PCIE3                             PCIE   pci_1    ldg1     OCC      
/SYS/MB/PCIE5                             PCIE   pci_1    ldg1     OCC      
/SYS/MB/PCIE7                             PCIE   pci_1    ldg2     OCC      
/SYS/MB/PCIE9                             PCIE   pci_1    ldg1     EMP      
/SYS/MB/NET2                              PCIE   pci_1    ldg1     OCC      
/SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF0                   PF     pci_0    primary           
/SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF1                   PF     pci_0    primary           
/SYS/MB/PCIE5/IOVNET.PF0                  PF     pci_1    ldg1              
/SYS/MB/PCIE5/IOVNET.PF1                  PF     pci_1    ldg1              
/SYS/MB/NET2/IOVNET.PF0                   PF     pci_1    ldg1              
/SYS/MB/NET2/IOVNET.PF1                   PF     pci_1    ldg1              
/SYS/MB/PCIE5/IOVNET.PF0.VF0              VF     pci_1
/SYS/MB/PCIE5/IOVNET.PF0.VF1              VF     pci_1
/SYS/MB/NET2/IOVNET.PF1.VF0               VF     pci_1
/SYS/MB/NET2/IOVNET.PF1.VF1               VF     pci_1

The following command dynamically adds the /SYS/MB/PCIE5/IOVNET.PF0.VF1 virtual function to the ldg1 non-primary root domain:

primary# ldm add-io /SYS/MB/PCIE5/IOVNET.PF0.VF1 ldg1

The following command dynamically adds the /SYS/MB/NET2/IOVNET.PF1.VF0 virtual function to the ldg2 domain:

primary# ldm add-io /SYS/MB/NET2/IOVNET.PF1.VF0 ldg2

The following command adds the /SYS/MB/NET2/IOVNET.PF1.VF1 virtual function to the bound ldg3 domain:

primary# ldm add-io /SYS/MB/NET2/IOVNET.PF1.VF1 ldg3
primary# ldm start-domain ldg3
LDom ldg3 started

Connect to the console of the ldg3 domain and then boot its OS.

The following output shows that all the assignments appear as expected. One virtual function is unassigned so it can be assigned dynamically to the ldg1, ldg2, or ldg3 domain.

primary# ldm list-io
NAME                                      TYPE   BUS      DOMAIN   STATUS   
----                                      ----   ---      ------   ------   
/SYS/PM0/CMP0/PXE                         BUS    pci_0    primary  IOV
/SYS/PM0/CMP1/PXE                         BUS    pci_1    ldg1     IOV
/SYS/PM0/CMP0/NIU_CORE                    NIU    niu_0    primary
/SYS/PM0/CMP1/NIU_CORE                    NIU    niu_1    primary
/SYS/MB/PCIE0                             PCIE   pci_0    primary  OCC      
/SYS/MB/PCIE2                             PCIE   pci_0    primary  OCC      
/SYS/MB/PCIE4                             PCIE   pci_0    primary  OCC      
/SYS/MB/PCIE6                             PCIE   pci_0    primary  EMP      
/SYS/MB/PCIE8                             PCIE   pci_0    primary  EMP      
/SYS/MB/SASHBA                            PCIE   pci_0    primary  OCC      
/SYS/MB/NET0                              PCIE   pci_0    primary  OCC      
/SYS/MB/PCIE1                             PCIE   pci_1    ldg1     OCC      
/SYS/MB/PCIE3                             PCIE   pci_1    ldg1     OCC      
/SYS/MB/PCIE5                             PCIE   pci_1    ldg1     OCC      
/SYS/MB/PCIE7                             PCIE   pci_1    ldg2     OCC      
/SYS/MB/PCIE9                             PCIE   pci_1    ldg1     EMP      
/SYS/MB/NET2                              PCIE   pci_1    ldg1     OCC      
/SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF0                   PF     pci_0    primary           
/SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF1                   PF     pci_0    primary           
/SYS/MB/PCIE5/IOVNET.PF0                  PF     pci_1    ldg1              
/SYS/MB/PCIE5/IOVNET.PF1                  PF     pci_1    ldg1              
/SYS/MB/NET2/IOVNET.PF0                   PF     pci_1    ldg1              
/SYS/MB/NET2/IOVNET.PF1                   PF     pci_1    ldg1              
/SYS/MB/PCIE5/IOVNET.PF0.VF0              VF     pci_1                      
/SYS/MB/PCIE5/IOVNET.PF0.VF1              VF     pci_1    ldg1              
/SYS/MB/NET2/IOVNET.PF1.VF0               VF     pci_1    ldg2              
/SYS/MB/NET2/IOVNET.PF1.VF1               VF     pci_1    ldg3