Migration Requirements for Virtual I/O Devices

All virtual I/O services that are used by the domain to be migrated must be available on the target machine. In other words, the following conditions must exist:

  • Each virtual disk back end that is used in the domain to be migrated must be defined on the target machine. This shared storage can be a SAN disk, or storage that is available by means of the NFS or iSCSI protocols. The virtual disk back end you define must have the same volume and service names as on the source machine. Paths to the back end might be different on the source and target machines, but they must refer to the same back end.


    A migration will succeed even if the paths to a virtual disk back end on the source and target machines do not refer to the same storage. However, the behavior of the domain on the target machine will be unpredictable, and the domain is likely to be unusable. To remedy the situation, stop the domain, correct the configuration issue, and then restart the domain. If you do not perform these steps, the domain might be left in an inconsistent state.
  • Each virtual network device in the domain to be migrated must have a corresponding virtual network switch on the target machine. Each virtual network switch must have the same name as the virtual network switch to which the device is attached on the source machine.

    For example, if vnet0 in the domain to be migrated is attached to a virtual switch service named switch-y, a domain on the target machine must provide a virtual switch service named switch-y.


    The physical network on the target machine must be correctly configured so that the migrated domain can access the network resources it requires. Otherwise, some network services might become unavailable on the domain after the migration completes. For example, you might want to ensure that the domain can access the correct network subnet. Also, you might want to ensure that gateways, routers, or firewalls are properly configured so that the domain can reach the required remote systems from the target machine.

    MAC addresses used by the domain to be migrated that are in the automatically allocated range must be available for use on the target machine.

  • A virtual console concentrator (vcc) service must exist on the target machine and have at least one free port. Starting with Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.5, explicit console constraints are preserved during the migration. Otherwise, the console for the migrated domain is created by using the migrated domain name as the console group and by using any available port on any available vcc device in the control domain. If no available ports are available in the control domain, the console is created by using an available port on an available vcc device in a service domain. The migration fails if there is a conflict with the default group name.

  • Each virtual SAN that is used by the domain to be migrated must be defined on the target machine.