Saving Post-Migration SP Configurations Automatically

You can configure the system to save an SP configuration automatically to the SP on the source machine and the target machine following a successful migration. This behavior ensures that a powercycle following a successful migration does not result in the migrated domain being recreated on the source machine or removed from the target machine due to its presence or absence in the previously saved SP configuration.

When configured, an SP configuration is saved with the reserved name @post-migration following a successful migration. This SP configuration is overwritten after any successful migration and becomes the active configuration. You can use the ldm set-spconfig command and the ldm remove-spconfig command to manipulate this @post-migration SP configuration.

You can modify this behavior by setting the migration_save_spconfig SMF property or using the -s option to the ldm migrate-domain command.

The Boolean migration_save_spconfig SMF property controls whether to save an SP configuration following a successful incoming or outgoing migration.

  • migration_save_spconfig=false Prevents the saving of an SP configuration following a successful migration, which is the default value. Also, no SP configuration is saved if the migration_save_spconfig property is not specified.

  • migration_save_spconfig=true Saves the post migration SP configuration.

If the migration_save_spconfig value on the source machine differs from the value on the target machine, attempting an ldm migrate-domain command without the -s option fails immediately and no migration is performed.


To save these SP configurations automatically, the source machine and the target machine must both run at least the Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.5 software. If one of the machines runs an older version of Oracle VM Server for SPARC, migrations succeed only if migration_save_spconfig=false on the Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.5 machine.

Note that the automatic saving of a post-migration SP configuration interferes with the way that Oracle VM Manager maintains the system configuration. If Oracle VM Manager is running, the migration_save_spconfig property is ignored and no post-migration SP configuration is saved.

Use the ldm migrate-domain -s spconfig-name command to specify that you save a new SP configuration on the source machine and target machine following a migration. If you specify this option, it overrides the value of the migration_save_spconfig SMF property value. Using the -s option with no argument uses the default reserved name to save the SP configuration on both the source machine and the target machine. If you specify the -s option with spconfig-name, a new user SP configuration is created on both the source machine and the target machine with the specified name.

If the spconfig-name argument matches the name of an existing SP configuration on either the source machine or the target machine, the ldm migrate-domain command rejects the migration request.

If the target machine runs an older version of the Logical Domains Manager, and you specify the -s option, the ldm migrate-domain command rejects the migration request.