Using Clone to Provision a New Domain

Once you have created a snapshot of a disk image, you can duplicate this disk image by using the ZFS clone command. The cloned image then can be assigned to another domain. Cloning a boot disk image quickly creates a boot disk for a new guest domain without having to perform the entire Oracle Solaris OS installation process.

For example, if the disk0 created was the boot disk of domain ldg1, do the following to clone that disk to create a boot disk for domain ldg2.

primary# zfs create ldmpool/ldg2
primary# zfs clone ldmpool/ldg1/disk0@version_1 ldmpool/ldg2/disk0

Then ldompool/ldg2/disk0 can be exported as a virtual disk and assigned to the new ldg2 domain. The domain ldg2 can directly boot from that virtual disk without having to go through the OS installation process.