Viewing Trusted Virtual Network Information

You can obtain information about trusted virtual network settings by using several of the Logical Domains Manager list subcommands. See the ldm(8) man page.

The following examples use the ldm list-domain -o network, ldm list-bindings, and ldm list-constraints commands to show information about a trusted virtual network configuration.

  • The following example shows how to use the ldm list-domain command to view trusted virtual network configuration information for the ldg1 domain:

    primary# ldm list-domain -o network ldg1
        NAME         SERVICE                MACADDRESS          PVID|PVLAN|VIDs
        ----         -------                ----------          ---------------
        ldg1-vnet0   primary-vsw0@primary   00:14:4f:fa:d7:5e   1|--|--      
                DEVICE     :network@1       ID   :1              
                LINKPROP   :phys-state      MTU  :1500           
                MAXBW      :--              MODE :--             
                CUSTOM     :enable         
                MAX-CUSTOM-MACS:11          MAX-CUSTOM-VLANS:24
                PRIORITY   :--              COS  :--             
                PROTECTION :--
  • The following examples shows how to use the ldm list-domain command to view trusted virtual network configuration information in a parseable form for the ldg1 domain:

    primary# ldm list-domain -o network -p ldg1
    VERSION 1.19
  • The following examples shows how to use the ldm list-bindings command to view trusted virtual network configuration information for the ldg1 domain:

    primary# ldm list-bindings -e -o network ldg1
        NAME         SERVICE                MACADDRESS          PVID|PVLAN|VIDs
        ----         -------                ----------          ---------------
        ldg1-vnet0   primary-vsw0@primary   00:14:4f:fa:d7:5e   1|--|--      
                DEVICE     :network@1       ID   :1              
                LINKPROP   :phys-state      MTU  :1500           
                MAXBW      :--              MODE :--             
                CUSTOM     :enable         
                MAX-CUSTOM-MACS:11          MAX-CUSTOM-VLANS:24
                PRIORITY   :--              COS  :--             
                PROTECTION :--             
            PEER                   MACADDRESS          PVID|PVLAN|VIDs
            ----                   ----------          ---------------
            primary-vsw0@primary   00:14:4f:f9:08:28   1|--|--      
                LINKPROP   :--              MTU  :1500           
                MAXBW      :--              LDC  :0x5
                MODE       :--
  • The following examples shows how to use the ldm list-bindings command to view trusted virtual network configuration information in a parseable form for the ldg1 domain:

    primary# ldm list-bindings -p ldg1
  • The following example shows how to generate XML by running the ldm list-constraints -x command:

    primary# ldm list-constraints -x ldg1
    <Section xsi:type="ovf:VirtualHardwareSection_Type">
        <gprop:GenericProperty key="vnet_name">ldg1-vnet0</gprop:GenericProperty>
        <gprop:GenericProperty key="service_name">primary-vsw0</gprop:GenericProperty>
        <gprop:GenericProperty key="pvid">1</gprop:GenericProperty>
        <gprop:GenericProperty key="linkprop">phys-state</gprop:GenericProperty>
        <gprop:GenericProperty key="custom">enable</gprop:GenericProperty>
        <gprop:GenericProperty key="max-mac-addrs">11</gprop:GenericProperty>
        <gprop:GenericProperty key="max-vlans">24</gprop:GenericProperty>
        <gprop:GenericProperty key="device">network@1</gprop:GenericProperty>
        <gprop:GenericProperty key="id">1</gprop:GenericProperty>