Virtual SCSI HBA Identifier and Device Name

When you use the ldm add-vhba command to add a virtual SCSI HBA to a domain, you can specify its device number by setting the id property.

ldm add-vhba [id=vHBA-ID] vHBA-name vSAN-name domain-name

Each virtual SCSI HBA of a domain has a unique device number that is assigned when the domain is bound. If a virtual SCSI HBA is added with an explicit device number (by setting the id property to a decimal value), the specified device number is used. Otherwise, the system automatically assigns the lowest device number available. In that case, the device number assigned depends on how the virtual SCSI HBAs were added to the domain. When a domain is bound, the device number eventually assigned to a virtual SCSI HBA is visible in the output of the ldm list-bindings and ldm list -o hba commands.

The ldm list-bindings, ldm list -o hba, and ldm add-vhba id=id commands all show and specify the id property value as a decimal value. The Oracle Solaris OS shows the virtual SCSI HBA id value as hexadecimal.

The following example shows that the vhba@0 device is the device name for the vh1 virtual SCSI HBA on the gdom domain.

primary# ldm list -o hba gdom

    NAME             VSAN                        DEVICE  TOUT SERVER       
    vh1              vs1                         vhba@0  0    svcdom


If a device number is not assigned explicitly to a virtual SCSI HBA, its device number can change when the domain is unbound and is later re-bound. In that case, the device name assigned by the OS running in the domain might also change and break the existing configuration of the system. This might happen, for example, when a virtual SCSI HBA is removed from the configuration of the domain.