Changes to the Object Response Description for XML Protocol Response Messages in Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.6 Developer's Guide

In Chapter 3, XML Protocol, in the Response Messages section of the Request and Response Messages section, update the first paragraph of the Object Response section as follows:

Finally, each <data> section in a <cmd> section has one required <response> section followed by one optional <response> section:

  • The required <response> section shows whether the command being run on this particular object passes or fails. If the status of the response is SUCCESS, there is no <resp_msg> tag in the <response> section. If the status is FAILURE, there are one or more <resp_msg> tags in the <response> field depending on the errors encountered when running the command against that object. Object errors can result from problems found when running the command, or from a malformed or unknown object.

  • The optional <response> section includes any warning messages generated by ldmd for the current command on the current object. When present, it will always include a single <resp_msg> tag with any included warnings.