Chapter 5 Creating a Network

This section gives you the syntax and examples to create a network with the Virtual Machine role.

5.1 Creating a virtual machine network

  1. Create an Ethernet-based network with the Virtual Machine role using the syntax:

    create Network [ roles= { MANAGEMENT | LIVE_MIGRATE | CLUSTER_HEARTBEAT | VIRTUAL_MACHINE | STORAGE } ] name=value [ description=value ] [ on Server instance ]

    For example:

    OVM> create Network name=MyVMNetwork roles=VIRTUAL_MACHINE 

    For more information on the syntax and usage, see Section A.40, “create Network”.

  2. Next, find an Ethernet port from each Oracle VM Server to add to the network. First, find the ID of an Ethernet port using the show Server command, for example:

    OVM> show Server name=MyServer1
      Ethernet Port 1 = 0004fb00002000007711332ff75857ee  [eth0 on]
      Ethernet Port 2 = 0004fb0000200000d2e7d2d352a6654e  [eth1 on]
      Ethernet Port 3 = 0004fb0000200000c12192a08f2236e4  [eth2 on]

    Then, add a port from each Oracle VM Server to the network using the syntax:

    add Port instance to { BondPort | Network } instance

    For example:

    OVM> add Port id=0004fb0000200000d2e7d2d352a6654e to Network name=MyVMNetwork

    For more information on the syntax and usage, see Section A.10, “add Port”.