Chapter 6 Creating a Server Pool

This section gives you the syntax and examples to create a server pool and add Oracle VM Server to it.

6.1 Creating a server pool

  1. If you are creating a clustered server pool you must provide a file system or physical disk to use for the server pool file system. To find a file system or physical disk, use the list command, for example:

    OVM> list FileSystem
      id:66a61958-e61a-44fe-b0e0-9dd64abef7e3  name:nfs on
      id:0004fb0000050000b85745f78b0c4b61  name:fs on 350014ee2568cc0cf
      id:4ebb1575-e611-4662-87b9-a84b40ce3db7  name:nfs on
      id:858d98c5-3d8b-460e-9160-3415cbdda738  name:nfs on
      id:0dea4818-20e6-4d3a-958b-b12cf91588b5  name:nfs on
      id:35b4f1c6-182b-4ea5-9746-51393f3b515c  name:nfs on
      id:aeb6143d-0a96-4845-9690-740bbf1e225e  name:nfs on
      id:05e8536f-8d9c-4d7c-bbb2-29b3ffafe011  name:nfs on
      id:0004fb00000500006a46a8dbd2461939  name:MyServerPool_cluster_heartbeat
      id:0004fb00000500000809e28f4fab56b1  name:fs on 350014ee20137ee44
    OVM> list PhysicalDisk
      id:0004fb000018000019b86ccf3f473a9e  name:FreeBSD (9)
      id:0004fb0000180000c4609a67d55b5803  name:FreeBSD (3)
      id:0004fb00001800002179de6afe5f0cf3  name:SATA_WDC_WD5001ABYS-_WD-WCAS86288968
      id:0004fb0000180000a0b43f9684fc78ac  name:FreeBSD (2)
      id:0004fb0000180000732be086afb26911  name:FreeBSD (7)
      id:0004fb000018000067ce80973e18374e  name:FreeBSD (8)
      id:0004fb000018000035ce16ee4d58dc4d  name:FreeBSD (1)
      id:0004fb00001800006855117242d9a537  name:FreeBSD (6)
      id:0004fb0000180000a9c7a87ba52ce5ec  name:FreeBSD (5)
      id:0004fb0000180000ebabef9838188d78  name:SATA_WDC_WD5001ABYS-_WD-WCAS86571931
      id:0004fb00001800008f6ea92426f2cfb8  name:SATA_WDC_WD5001ABYS-_WD-WCAS86257005
      id:0004fb00001800008ccb1925cdbbd181  name:SATA_WDC_WD5001ABYS-_WD-WCAS86578538
      id:0004fb0000180000e034b4662665161c  name:FreeBSD (4)

    Before you create a clustered server pool you must refresh the file system or physical disk to be used for the server pool file system. To refresh a file system, use the syntax:

    refresh { AccessGroup | Assembly | FileServer | FileSystem | PhysicalDisk | Repository | Server | StorageArray | VirtualAppliance } instance

    For example, to refresh a physical disk:

    OVM> refresh PhysicalDisk id=0004fb000018000035ce16ee4d58dc4d

    And to refresh a file system:

    OVM> refresh FileSystem name="nfs on"

    For more information on the syntax and usage, see Section A.142, “refresh” .

  2. To create a server pool use the following syntax:

    create ServerPool clusterEnable= { Yes | No } [ clusterTimeout= value ] [ fileSystem=value ] [ physicalDisk=value ] [ keymapName= { en-us | ar | da | de | de-ch | en-gb | es | et | fi | fo | fr | fr-be | fr-ca | fr-ch | hr | hu | is | it | ja | lt | lv | mk | nl | nl-be | No | pl | pt | pt-br | ru | sl | sv | th | tr } ] [ migrateUsingSsl= { Yes | No } ] [ startPolicy= { BEST_SERVER | BALANCE_SERVER | CURRENT_SERVER } ] [ policyMode= { OFF | DRS | DPM } ] [ policyCpuEnable= { Yes | No } ] [ policyPeriod=value ] [ policyCpuThreshold=value ] name=value [ description=value ] [ virtualIP=value ]

    For example to create a clustered server pool:

    OVM> create ServerPool clusterEnable=Yes \
      filesystem="nfs on" name=MyServerPool \
      description='Clustered server pool'

    And to create an unclustered server pool:

    OVM> create ServerPool clusterEnable=No name=MyServerPool \
      description='Unclustered server pool'

    For more information on the syntax and usage, see Section A.45, “create ServerPool”.

6.2 Adding Oracle VM Servers to a server pool

To add Oracle VM Servers to a server pool use the following syntax:

add Server instance to { AccessGroup | CpuCompatibilityGroup | Repository | ServerPool } instance

For example:

OVM> add Server name=MyServer to ServerPool name=MyServerPool


It is not possible to add an Oracle VM Server to a server pool if the Oracle VM Server is running software prior to the 3.4 release and the server pool has not been configured with a virtual IP address. See What is a Master Server and a Virtual IP Address? in the Oracle VM Concepts Guide for more information.

For more information on the syntax and usage, see Section A.11, “add Server” .