Chapter 8 Creating a Virtual Machine

This section gives you the syntax and examples to use to create a virtual machine from a number of sources.

8.1 Creating a virtual machine from a virtual appliance

  1. When you import a virtual appliance, each virtual machine in the virtual appliance file is unpacked and stored as an VirtualApplianceVm object. The VirtualApplianceVm object is then used to create a virtual machine, not the virtual appliance itself. Use the show VirtualAppliance command to find the name or ID of the new VirtualApplianceVm objects in a virtual appliance.

    OVM> show VirtualAppliance name=myappliance.ova
      Origin =
      Repository = ID  [Name]
      Virtual Appliance Vm 1 =  ID  [Name]
      Assembly VirtualDisk 1 = ID  [Name]
      Id = ID  [Name]
      Name = myappliance.ova
      Description = Import URL:
      Locked = false
  2. Create a virtual machine from a VirtualApplianceVm object using the syntax:

    createVmFromVirtualApplianceVm VirtualApplianceVm instance

    Make sure you use the name of the VirtualApplianceVm object created when you imported the virtual appliance, not the name of the VirtualAppliance object.

    For example:

    OVM> createVmFromVirtualApplianceVm VirtualApplianceVm name=MyVm

    For more information on the syntax and usage, see Section A.33, “createVmFromVirtualApplianceVm” .

  3. The previous step creates a virtual machine with the name virtualappliance_name_vm_name, for example:


8.2 Creating a virtual machine from a template

Clone a virtual machine from a template, using the syntax:

clone Vm instance destType= { Vm | VmTemplate } [ destName=value ] serverPool=value [ cloneCustomizer=value ] [ targetRepository=value ]

For example:

OVM> clone Vm name=MyVMTemplate.tgz destType=Vm destName=MyNewVM serverPool=MyServerPool

For more information on the syntax and usage, see Section A.24, “clone Vm” .

8.3 Creating a virtual machine from an ISO

  1. Create a virtual machine using the syntax:

    create Vm [ memory=value ] [ memoryLimit=value ] [ cpuCount=value ] [ cpuCountLimit=value ] [ cpuPriority=value ] [ cpuUtilizationCap=value ] [ highAvailability= { Yes | No } ] [ hugePagesEnabled= { Yes | No } ] [ osType=value ] [ restartActionOnCrash= { RESTART | STOP | RESTART_AFTER_DUMP | STOP_AFTER_DUMP } ] [ mouseType= { OS_DEFAULT | PS2_MOUSE | USB_MOUSE | USB_TABLET } ] domainType= { XEN_HVM | XEN_HVM_PV_DRIVERS | XEN_PVM | LDOMS_PVM | UNKNOWN } [ keymapName= { en-us | ar | da | de | de-ch | en-gb | es | et | fi | fo | fr | fr-be | fr-ca | fr-ch | hr | hu | is | it | ja | lt | lv | mk | nl | nl-be | No | pl | pt | pt-br | ru | sl | sv | th | tr } ] [ bootOrder= { PXE | DISK | CDROM } ] [ networkInstallPath=value ] repository=value [ server=value ] [ startPolicy= { BEST_SERVER | BALANCE_SERVER | CURRENT_SERVER | USE_POOL_POLICY } ] [ viridian= { Yes | No } ] name=value [ description=value ] on ServerPool instance

    For example:

    OVM> create Vm name=MyVM repository=MyRepository domainType=XEN_HVM \ 
      server=MyServer startPolicy=USE_POOL_POLICY on ServerPool name=MyServerPool

    For more information on the syntax and usage, see Section A.53, “create Vm” .

  2. Create a virtual disk to use as the boot disk using the syntax:

    create VirtualDisk size=value shareable= { Yes | No } sparse= { Yes | No } name=value [ description=value ] on Repository instance

    For example:

    OVM> create VirtualDisk name=MyVMDisk size=10 sparse=Yes shareable=No on Repository \

    For more information on the syntax and usage, see Section A.51, “create VirtualDisk” .

  3. Map the virtual disk to the virtual machine using the syntax:

    create VmDiskMapping slot=value { physicalDisk=value | virtualDisk=value | virtualCd= { value | EMPTY_CDROM } } name=value [ description=value ] on Vm instance

    For example:

    OVM> create VmDiskMapping slot=0 virtualDisk=MyVMDisk name="Boot Disk" on Vm name=MyVM

    For more information on the syntax and usage, see Section A.57, “create VmDiskMapping” .

  4. Map an ISO file to the virtual machine using the syntax:

    create VmDiskMapping slot=value { physicalDisk=value | virtualDisk=value | virtualCd= { value | EMPTY_CDROM } } name=value [ description=value ] on Vm instance

    For example:

    OVM> create VmDiskMapping slot=1 virtualCd=OracleLinux-dvd.iso \
      name="CDROM Drive" on Vm name=MyVM

    For more information on the syntax and usage, see Section A.57, “create VmDiskMapping”.

  5. Set up the disk boot order as the CDROM (ISO file) as the first disk, then the virtual disk as the secondary disk, using the syntax:

    edit Vm instance [ memory=value ] [ memoryLimit=value ] [ cpuCount=value ] [ cpuCountLimit=value ] [ cpuPriority=value ] [ cpuUtilizationCap=value ] [ highAvailability= { Yes | No } ] [ hugePagesEnabled= { Yes | No } ] [ osType=value ] [ restartActionOnCrash= { RESTART | STOP | RESTART_AFTER_DUMP | STOP_AFTER_DUMP } ] [ mouseType= { OS_DEFAULT | PS2_MOUSE | USB_MOUSE | USB_TABLET } ] [ domainType= { XEN_HVM | XEN_HVM_PV_DRIVERS | XEN_PVM | LDOMS_PVM | UNKNOWN } ] [ keymapName= { en-us | ar | da | de | de-ch | en-gb | es | et | fi | fo | fr | fr-be | fr-ca | fr-ch | hr | hu | is | it | ja | lt | lv | mk | nl | nl-be | No | pl | pt | pt-br | ru | sl | sv | th | tr } ] [ bootOrder= { PXE | DISK | CDROM } ] [ networkInstallpath=value ] [ startPolicy= { BEST_SERVER | BALANCE_SERVER | CURRENT_SERVER | USE_POOL_POLICY } ] [ viridian= { Yes | No } ] [ name=value ] [ description=value ]

    For example:

    OVM> edit Vm name=MyVM bootOrder='CDROM,DISK' startPolicy=BEST_SERVER

    For more information on the syntax and usage, see Section A.95, “edit Vm”.

  6. Create a VNIC and add it to the virtual machine using the syntax:

    create Vnic network=value name=value [ macAddress=value ] [ description=value ] on Vm instance

    For example:

    OVM> create Vnic name=MyVNIC network=MyVMNetwork on Vm name=MyVM

    For more information on the syntax and usage, see Section A.58, “create Vnic”.

8.4 Starting a virtual machine

Start the virtual machine, using the syntax:

start { Server | Vm } instance

For example:

OVM> start Vm name=MyVM

For more information on the syntax and usage, see Section A.177, “start” .