Ejemplo de archivos DG_properties.ini

A continuación se muestran archivos DG_properties.ini de ejemplo para diferentes entornos de base de datos primaria y en espera.

Ejemplo 1: Sistema de base de datos OCI de Oracle RAC con sistema de base de datos OCI de Oracle RAC

A continuación, se muestra un ejemplo de un archivo DG_properties.ini para configurar Oracle Data Guard entre dos sistemas de base de datos Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) en Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI), un sistema de base de datos OCI principal y un sistema de base de datos OCI en espera.La versión de este ejemplo es 21c. El archivo DG_properies.ini es el mismo en el archivo primario y en espera. Los comentarios se truncan para facilitar la lectura.
# Review and customize all the properties
export ORACLE_OSUSER=oracle
export ORACLE_OSGROUP=oinstall
export GRID_OSUSER=grid
export GRID_HOME=/u01/app/
export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/
export ORACLE_BASE=/u01/app/oracle
export DB_NAME=DBTEST  # The database name (the value of db parameter db_name)
export SYS_USERNAME=sys
export RAC=YES  # Set to YES (if DB is a RAC) or to NO (if single instance DB) 
export PASSWORD_FILE_IN_ASM=YES  # Set to YES when the password file is placed in ASM (in case of RAC, it will always be placed in ASM).
export ADDITIONAL_STANDBY=NO     # Set to YES only if the primary db has another standby database already configured, and you are using
                                 the scripts to add a second standby.
export A_PORT=1521 # The primary listener's port (scan's listener port if RAC)
export A_SERVICE=DBTEST_PRI.subnet1.myvcnreg1.oraclevcn.com  # The default CDB service name in primary (format is 
export A_DBNM=DBTEST_PRI # The DB UNIQUE NAME of primary DB

# For single instance (will be ignored if RAC=YES)
        export A_DB_IP=  # Provide the primary listener's IP. This needs to be reachable from the standby DB.

# For RAC (will be ignored if RAC=NO)
        # Specify the PRIMARY RAC's scan IPs and scan address name
        export A_SCAN_IP1=
        export A_SCAN_IP2=
        export A_SCAN_IP3=
        export A_SCAN_ADDRESS=drdbracpri-scan.subnet1.myvcnreg1.oraclevcn.com
        # Provide the ORACLE_SID of the primary RAC instances
        export A_SID1=DBTEST1
        export A_SID2=DBTEST2
export A_FILE_DEST="+DATA"              # the value of db_create_file_dest db parameter in primary DB
export A_ONLINE_LOG_DEST1="+RECO"       # the value of db_create_online_log_dest_1 parameter in primary DB
export A_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST="+RECO"     # the value of db_recovery_file_dest parameter in primary DB

# Other properties required by primary setup script
export TDE_LOC=/opt/oracle/dcs/commonstore/wallets/tde/DBTEST_PRI    # The the TDE wallet folder in primary (where the .p12 file 
is located). Leave it EMPTY if TDE is not used.
export CREATE_PASSWORD_FILE=YES                                      # If password file already exists in primary and you do not 
want to override it, set this to NO.
export OUTPUT_WALLET_TAR=/tmp/PRIMARY_TDE_WALLET.GZ                  # Absolute file name for the output tar file that will be generated in 
primary, containing the primary TDE wallet.
export OUTPUT_PASWORD_TAR=/tmp/PRIMARY_PASSWORD_FILE.GZ              # Absolute file name for the output tar file that will be generated in 
primary, containing the primary password file.
export B_PORT=1521  # The standby listener's port (scan's listener port if RAC)
export B_SERVICE=DBTEST_STBY.subnet1.myvcnreg2.oraclevcn.com   # The default CDB service name in standby (format is <db_unique_name>.<secondary_domain>)
export B_DBNM=DBTEST_STBY # The DB UNIQUE NAME of standby DB

# For single instance (will be ignored if RAC=YES)
        export B_DB_IP=      # Provide the primary listener's IP. This needs to be reachable from the standby DB

# For RAC (will be ignored if RAC=NO) 
        # Specify STANDBY RAC's scan IPs and scan address name
        export B_SCAN_IP1=
        export B_SCAN_IP2=
        export B_SCAN_IP3=
        export B_SCAN_ADDRESS=drdbracstby-scan.subnet1.myvcnreg2.oraclevcn.com
        # Standby node's VIPs (provide the IPS, not the names)
        export B_VIP1=
        export B_VIP2=
        # Provide the ORACLE_SID of the standby RAC instances
        export B_SID1=DBTEST1
        export B_SID2=DBTEST2
        # (normally only needed in Exadata) Provide interconnect IPs if they must be specified in the parameter 
cluster_interconnects. Leave them empty if cluster_interconnects is empty.
        export B_INTERCONNECT_IP1=
        export B_INTERCONNECT_IP2=

export B_FILE_DEST="+DATA"              # the value of db_create_file_dest db parameter in standby DB
export B_ONLINE_LOG_DEST1="+RECO"       # the value of db_create_online_log_dest_1 parameter in standby DB
export B_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST="+RECO"     # the value of db_recovery_file_dest parameter in standby DB

# Other properties required by the standby setup script
export INPUT_WALLET_TAR=/tmp/PRIMARY_TDE_WALLET.GZ  # Absolute file name for the input tar file that contains the 
primary TDE wallet.
export INPUT_PASWORD_TAR=/tmp/PRIMARY_PASSWORD_FILE.GZ  # Absolute file name for the input tar file that contains the 
primary password file.
export B_TDE_LOC=/opt/oracle/dcs/commonstore/wallets/tde/$B_DBNM  # Absolute path where the wallet files (.p12) 
will be created in standby hosts. Verify which is the value used by your system, it may differ. Leave it empty if TDE is not used.

Ejemplo 2: Oracle RAC local con Oracle RAC del sistema de base de datos OCI

A continuación, se muestra un ejemplo de un archivo DG_properties.ini para configurar Oracle Data Guard en un entorno híbrido: entre un Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) local principal y un sistema de base de datos OCI en espera Oracle RAC, versión 19c.En este caso, existen algunas diferencias en las propiedades generales. Dado que el usuario del sistema operativo Grid es diferente entre el primario y el en espera, los archivos DG_properies.ini son un poco diferentes en los sistemas principal y en espera.

DG_properies.ini para Oracle RAC principal local

# Review and customize all the properties
export ORACLE_OSUSER=oracle
export ORACLE_OSGROUP=oinstall
export GRID_OSUSER=oracle
export GRID_HOME=/u01/app/
export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/
export ORACLE_BASE=/u01/app/oracle
export DB_NAME=DBTEST            # The database name (the value of db parameter db_name)
export SYS_USERNAME=sys
export RAC=YES                   # Set to YES (if DB is a RAC) or to NO (if single instance DB)
export PASSWORD_FILE_IN_ASM=YES  # Set to YES when the password file is placed in ASM (for RAC, it will always be placed in ASM).
export ADDITIONAL_STANDBY=NO  # Set to YES only if the primary db has another standby database already configured, and you're using the scripts to add a second standby.
export A_PORT=1521                        # The primary listener's port (scan's listener port if RAC)
export A_SERVICE=DBTEST_PRI.myonprem.example.com   # The default CDB service name in primary (format is <db_unique_name>.<primary_domain>)
export A_DBNM=DBTEST_PRI                  # The DB UNIQUE NAME of primary DB

# For single instance (will be ignored if RAC=YES)
        export A_DB_IP=   # Provide the primary listener's IP. This needs to be reachable from the standby DB.

# For RAC (will be ignored if RAC=NO)
        # Specify the PRIMARY RAC's scan IPs and scan address name
        export A_SCAN_IP1=
        export A_SCAN_IP2=
        export A_SCAN_IP3=
        export A_SCAN_ADDRESS=primrac-scan.myonprem.example.com
        # Provide the ORACLE_SID of the primary RAC instances
        export A_SID1=DBTEST1
        export A_SID2=DBTEST2

export A_FILE_DEST="+DATAC1"              # the value of db_create_file_dest db parameter in primary DB
export A_ONLINE_LOG_DEST1="+DATAC1"       # the value of db_create_online_log_dest_1 parameter in primary DB
export A_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST="+RECOC1"     # the value of db_recovery_file_dest parameter in primary DB

# Other properties required by primary setup script
export TDE_LOC=/u01/app/oracle/admin/DBTEST/wallet       # The the TDE wallet folder in primary (where the .p12 file is located). 
Leave it EMPTY if TDE is not used.
export CREATE_PASSWORD_FILE=YES                         # If password file already exists in primary and you do not want to 
override it, set this to NO.
export OUTPUT_WALLET_TAR=/tmp/PRIMARY_TDE_WALLET.GZ     # Absolute file name for the output tar file that will be generated in 
primary, containing the primary TDE wallet.
export OUTPUT_PASWORD_TAR=/tmp/PRIMARY_PASSWORD_FILE.GZ  # Absolute file name for the output tar file that will be generated in 
primary, containing the primary password file.
export B_PORT=1521                                   # The standby listener's port (scan's listener port if RAC)
export B_SERVICE=DBTEST_OCIDR.subnet1phx.vcnphx.oraclevcn.com    # The default CDB service name in standby (format is 
export B_DBNM=DBTEST_OCIDR                                               # The DB UNIQUE NAME of standby DB

# For single instance (will be ignored if RAC=YES)
        export B_DB_IP=   # Provide the primary listener's IP. This needs to be reachable from the standby DB

# For RAC (will be ignored if RAC=NO)
        # Specify STANDBY RAC's scan IPs and scan address name
        export B_SCAN_IP1=
        export B_SCAN_IP2=
        export B_SCAN_IP3=
        export B_SCAN_ADDRESS=hydrdb-scan.dev3db1phx.databasede3phx.oraclevcn.com 
        # Standby node's VIPs (provide the IPS, not the names)
        export B_VIP1=
        export B_VIP2=
        # Provide the ORACLE_SID of the standby RAC instances
        export B_SID1=DBTEST1
        export B_SID2=DBTEST2
        # (normally only needed in Exadata) Provide interconnect IPs if they must be specified in the parameter 
cluster_interconnects. Leave them empty if cluster_interconnects
is empty.
        export B_INTERCONNECT_IP1=
        export B_INTERCONNECT_IP2=

export B_FILE_DEST="+DATA"              # the value of db_create_file_dest db parameter in standby DB
export B_ONLINE_LOG_DEST1="+DATA"       # the value of db_create_online_log_dest_1 parameter in standby DB
export B_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST="+RECO"     # the value of db_recovery_file_dest parameter in standby DB

# Other properties required by the standby setup script
export INPUT_WALLET_TAR=/tmp/PRIMARY_TDE_WALLET.GZ              # Absolute file name for the input tar file that contains the 
primary TDE wallet.
export INPUT_PASWORD_TAR=/tmp/PRIMARY_PASSWORD_FILE.GZ          # Absolute file name for the input tar file that contains the 
primary password file.
export B_TDE_LOC=/opt/oracle/dcs/commonstore/wallets/tde/$B_DBNM    # Absolute path where the wallet files (.p12) 
will be created in standby hosts. Verify which is the value used by your system, it may differ. Leave it  empty if TDE is not used.     
DG_properies.ini para el sistema de base de datos OCI en espera
# Review and customize all the properties
export ORACLE_OSUSER=oracle
export ORACLE_OSGROUP=oinstall
export GRID_OSUSER=grid
export GRID_HOME=/u01/app/
export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/
export ORACLE_BASE=/u01/app/oracle

export DB_NAME=CDB11   # The database name (the value of db parameter db_name)
export SYS_USERNAME=sys

export RAC=YES   # Set to YES (if DB is a RAC) or to NO (if single instance DB)
export PASSWORD_FILE_IN_ASM=YES   # Set to YES when the password file is placed in ASM (in case of RAC, it will 
always be placed in ASM).
export ADDITIONAL_STANDBY=NO   # Set to YES only if the primary db has another standby database already  configured, and you are using the scripts to add a second standby.
(rest of the file is same than the DG_properties.ini of primary)

Ejemplo 3: Base de datos única con base de datos única

A continuación se muestra un ejemplo de un archivo DG_properties.ini para configurar Oracle Data Guard en un entorno híbrido: entre una base de datos única primaria y una base de datos única en espera, Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) versión 18c y Grid versión 19c.En este ejemplo, las bases de datos no utilizan el cifrado Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) y el archivo de contraseñas no está en Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM).
# Review and customize all the properties
export ORACLE_OSUSER=oracle
export ORACLE_OSGROUP=oinstall
export GRID_OSUSER=grid
export GRID_HOME=/u01/app/
export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/
export ORACLE_BASE=/u01/app/oracle

export DB_NAME=ORCL  # The database name (the value of db parameter db_name)
export SYS_USERNAME=sys

export RAC=NO   # Set to YES (if DB is a RAC) or to NO (if single instance DB)
export PASSWORD_FILE_IN_ASM=NO # Set to YES when the password file is placed in ASM (for RAC, it will always be placed in ASM).
export ADDITIONAL_STANDBY=NO   # Set to YES only if the primary db has another standby database already configured, and you're using
the scripts to add a second standby.
export A_PORT=1521  # The primary listener's port (scan's listener port if RAC)
export A_SERVICE=ORCL_PRI.primarydomain.example.com  # The default CDB service name in primary (format is 
export A_DBNM=ORCL_PRI   # The DB UNIQUE NAME of primary DB

# For single instance (will be ignored if RAC=YES)
export A_DB_IP=   # Provide the primary listener's IP. This needs to be reachable from the 
standby DB.

# For RAC (will be ignored if RAC=NO)
    # Specify the PRIMARY RAC's scan IPs and scan address name
    export A_SCAN_IP1=
    export A_SCAN_IP2=
    export A_SCAN_IP3=
    export A_SCAN_ADDRESS=
    # Provide the ORACLE_SID of the primary RAC instances
    export A_SID1=
    export A_SID2=

export A_FILE_DEST="+DATA"              # the value of db_create_file_dest db parameter in primary DB
export A_ONLINE_LOG_DEST1="+DATA"       # the value of db_create_online_log_dest_1 parameter in primary DB
export A_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST="+RECO"     # the value of db_recovery_file_dest parameter in primary DB

# Other properties required by primary setup script
export TDE_LOC=   # The the TDE wallet folder in primary (where the .p12 file is located). Leave it EMPTY if TDE is not 
export CREATE_PASSWORD_FILE=YES                             # If password file already exists in primary and you do not want to 
override it, set this to NO.
export OUTPUT_WALLET_TAR=/tmp/PRIMARY_TDE_WALLET.GZ         # Absolute file name for the output tar file that will be generated in 
primary, containing the primary TDE wallet.
export OUTPUT_PASWORD_TAR=/tmp/PRIMARY_PASSWORD_FILE.GZ     # Absolute file name for the output tar file that will be 
generated in primary, containing the primary password file.

export B_PORT=1521                                    # The standby listener's port (scan's listener port if RAC)
export B_SERVICE=ORCL_STBY.standbydomain.example.com  # The default CDB service name in standby (format is 
export B_DBNM=ORCL_STBY                               # The DB UNIQUE NAME of standby DB

# For single instance (will be ignored if RAC=YES)
export B_DB_IP=                            # Provide the primary listener's IP. This needs to be reachable from the 
standby DB

# For RAC (will be ignored if RAC=NO) 
    # Specify STANDBY RAC's scan IPs and scan address name
    export B_SCAN_IP1=
    export B_SCAN_IP2=
    export B_SCAN_IP3=
    export B_SCAN_ADDRESS=
    # Standby node's VIPs (provide the IPS, not the names)
    export B_VIP1=
    export B_VIP2=
    # Provide the ORACLE_SID of the standby RAC instances
    export B_SID1=
    export B_SID2=
    # (normally only needed in Exadata) Provide interconnect IPs if they must be specified in the parameter 
cluster_interconnects. Leave them empty if cluster_interconnects is empty.
        export B_INTERCONNECT_IP1=
        export B_INTERCONNECT_IP2=

export B_FILE_DEST="+DATA"              # the value of db_create_file_dest db parameter in standby DB
export B_ONLINE_LOG_DEST1="+DATA"       # the value of db_create_online_log_dest_1 parameter in standby DB
export B_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST="+RECO"     # the value of db_recovery_file_dest parameter in standby DB

# Other properties required by the standby setup script
export INPUT_WALLET_TAR=/tmp/PRIMARY_TDE_WALLET.GZ     # Absolute file name for the input tar file that contains the 
primary TDE wallet.
export INPUT_PASWORD_TAR=/tmp/PRIMARY_PASSWORD_FILE.GZ # Absolute file name for the input tar file that contains the 
primary password file.
export B_TDE_LOC=   # Absolute path where the wallet files (.p12) will be created in standby hosts. Verify which is 
the value used by your system, it may differ. Leave it empty if TDE is not used.