A Installing Oracle GoldenGate Veridata C-Agent

This chapter explains how to install the Oracle GoldenGate Veridata C-agent on a UNIX/Linux, Windows, or NonStop platform.

This chapter includes the following sections:

A.1 Installation Overview

These instructions are for installing a new, clean copy of the C-based Oracle GoldenGate Veridata Agent software. To upgrade an existing installation, see Upgrading Oracle GoldenGate Veridata.

The Oracle GoldenGate Veridata C-agent is installed on the same system that hosts the database that contains compare data. You will install one Oracle GoldenGate Veridata C-Agent for each database instance where there is data that is to be compared.

A.2 Installing the C-agent on a UNIX or Linux System

To install the C-agent on a UNIX or Linux system, perform the following steps:

  1. Create a directory for the agent.

  2. Follow the steps in Appendix D, "Oracle GoldenGate Veridata Distribution" to obtain the software.

  3. Extract the mediapack.zip file to directory that you created.

  4. From the agent subdirectory, run GGSCI.

  5. In GGSCI, issue the following command to create the working directories for Oracle GoldenGate Veridata.

  6. In GGSCI, issue the following command to create and edit a Manager parameter file.

  7. On the first line of the file, add the following parameter to specify a port number for the Manager process. This port number must be a unique number that is not being used by any other process, including any Manager processes for other Oracle GoldenGate software.

    PORT number
  8. (Optional) On the next line, add the following parameter to specify a range of up to 256 ports that the Manager process can allocate dynamically. This parameter can be used to specify ports for concurrent processing threads if you will be running batch comparisons.

    DYNAMICPORTLIST {port | port-port} [ , ...]
    • To specify multiple ports, use a comma-delimited list, for example 7830, 7833.

    • To specify a range of ports, use a dash (-) to separate the first and last port in the range, for example 7830-7835.

    • To specify a range of ports plus an individual port, place a comma between the range and the individual port number, for example 7830-7835, 7839.

  9. Save and close the parameter file. This file is stored in the dirprm directory within the agent subdirectory. Do not move it.

  10. In GGSCI, start the Manager process. You can defer this step until you are ready to run comparisons. To perform comparisons, Manager must be running.

  11. To confirm that Manager is running, issue the following command in GGSCI.



    Oracle GoldenGate Veridata cannot be installed as a service on a UNIX or Linux system.

A.3 Installing the C-Agent on a NonStop System

To install the agent on a NonStop SQL/MP system, the following steps are required:

  • Install the Oracle GoldenGate Veridata Agent files.

  • Copy VSNSERV to remote nodes if they contain table partitions.

  • Create a GLOBALS parameter file that contains specifications for:

    • Locations of remote nodes where there is a VSNSERV process.

    • A unique Manager name (if other Manager processes exist on the system)

  • Configure the Manager process.

A.3.1 Installing the Oracle GoldenGate Veridata Agent Files

  1. Follow the steps in Section D, "Oracle GoldenGate Veridata Distribution" to download the Oracle GoldenGate Veridata Agent build file to a Windows workstation.

  2. Using WinZip or an equivalent compression product, unzip the files to a temporary directory on your workstation.

  3. Transfer the files in binary mode to the volume and subvolume on the NonStop Server where you want to install and run the agent. The agent software must be installed in a dedicated subvolume, including one that is separate from other Oracle GoldenGate software.

  4. Alter the VERUNPAK to be an edit file by issuing the following TACL command.

  5. Run the VERUNPAK macro by issuing the following TACL command.

  6. At the prompt, verify the installation location. Type Y to confirm the location shown or N to select another location.

    Installing GoldenGate at $DATA.GoldenGate Veridata
    Is this correct? (Y/N) y
    UNPAK - File decompression program - T1255G06 - (2002-05-06)
    Archive version: 1
    File Mode RESTORE Program - T9074G07 (15JAN2002)
    Copyright Tandem Computers Incorporated 1981-2002
    Summary Information
    Files restored = 7  Files not restored = 0
    GoldenGate Veridata for Nonstop Installation
    Installs the GoldenGate Veridata Product
    Enter X at any prompt to quit.
  7. You are prompted for a SQL catalog for the agent to use. Type the catalog name or type X for no catalog.

    SQL Catalog for Compilation (X for no catalog)? $data.cpscat
    SQL compiling VERIAGT
    GoldenGate Veridata Installation Complete.
  8. Continue with Section A.3.2, "Copying VSNSERV to Remote Nodes" and Section A.3.3, "Creating a GLOBALS File" as necessary for your environment.

A.3.2 Copying VSNSERV to Remote Nodes

If your tables have partitions on remote nodes, you will need to place a copy of the VSNSERV module on each of those nodes.

If all of the remote nodes are the same hardware type, you can use a copy of the VSNSERV that is in the Oracle GoldenGate Veridata agent subvolume. Otherwise, you might need to download the correct agent build for that hardware type. It will include the correct VSNSERV.

To place the VSNSERV on each node, you can do either of the following:

  • Install the entire Oracle GoldenGate Veridata Agent package on each of the remote nodes, even though the agent itself will not be running on them.

  • Copy the VSNSERV object to each of the remote nodes. To use this option, take the following steps.

To copy VSNSERV to remote nodes 

  1. Copy the appropriate VSNSERV program to each of the remote nodes.

  2. Log onto each remote node as a super user.

  3. Issue the following commands on each remote node:

    FUP secure vsnserv, "NNNN", PROGID
    • The first command sets the VSNSERV owner as SUPER.SUPER.

    • The second command sets security and PROGID to run as SUPER.SUPER.

  4. Specify the location of VSNSERV on each remote node by adding a HOST parameter for the node in the GLOBALS file that resides in the Oracle GoldenGate Veridata Agent installation directory. See Section A.3.3, "Creating a GLOBALS File."

A.3.3 Creating a GLOBALS File

You need to create a GLOBALS file in the Oracle GoldenGate Veridata Agent directory if:

  • Other Manager processes exist on this system, such as the one used by Oracle GoldenGate data synchronization software. A unique name for each Manager process must be specified in this file with the GGSPREFIX parameter, including the one that will be used by the Veridata agent.

  • Partitions for tables that will be compared with Veridata are stored on remote nodes. The name of each node must be specified with the HOST parameter in the GLOBALS file.

To create a GLOBALS file

  1. At the TACL prompt, issue the following command.

  2. If prompted to create the file, enter Yes.

  3. In the GLOBALS file, add one or both of the following parameters, depending on your environment:

    HOST system_name [, GGSSUBVOL subvol] [, NODENUM node_number]
    [HOST system_name [, GGSSUBVOL subvol] [, NODENUM node_number]]
    • GGSPREFIX specifies a unique, two-character prefix that will be attached to the Manager process name, for example GGSPREFIX $GV.

    • HOST specifies the location of remote nodes where there is a VSNSERV component.


      If you do not know the expand node number of a system, run SYSINFO on that node.
      SYSINFO - T9268H01 - (01 OCT 2004) SYSTEM \TEST Date 10 Jul 2008, 10:44:54
      Copyright 2003 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
               System name    \TEST
        EXPAND node number    110
             Current SYSnn    SYS10
             System number    012345
       Software release ID    H06.13.00
  4. Save the file without a file extension. The file is stored in the subvolume where the agent resides. Do not move it.

A.3.4 Configuring Manager

  1. From TACL, run the GGSCI program that is installed with the agent.

  2. In GGSCI, issue the following command to create and edit a Manager parameter file.

  3. On the first line of the file, add the following parameter, where number is a unique port number that is not being used by any other process, including any Manager processes for other Oracle GoldenGate software.

    PORT number
  4. (Optional) On the next line, add the following parameter to specify a range of up to 256 ports that the Manager process can allocate dynamically. You can specify ports for concurrent processing threads if you will be running batch comparisons.

    DYNAMICPORTLIST {port | port-port} [ , ...]


    • To specify multiple ports, use a comma-delimited list, for example 7830, 7833.

    • To specify a range of ports, use a dash (-) to separate the first and last port in the range, for example 7830-7835.

    • To specify a range of ports plus an individual port, place a comma between the range and the individual port number, for example 7830-7835, 7839.

  5. Save and close the file.

  6. In GGSCI, issue the following command to start the Manager process. You can defer this step until you are ready to run comparisons. To perform comparisons, Manager must be running.

  7. To confirm that Manager is running, issue the following command in GGSCI.