7 Next Steps After Configuring an Oracle GoldenGate Veridata Domain

This chapter describes common tasks you might want to perform on a newly created domain for Oracle GoldenGate Veridata.

This chapter includes the following sections:

7.1 Verifying the Oracle GoldenGate Veridata Installation

After you complete the installation, you can verify it by successfully completing the following tasks:

7.1.1 Reviewing Installation Log Files

Review the contents of the installation log files to make sure that no problems were encountered. For a description of the log files and where to find them, see "Installation and Configuration log files" in Installing with the Oracle Universal Installer.

7.1.2 Verifying the Directory Structure

Review the directory structure after installing and configuring Oracle GoldenGate Veridata. For more information about the directory structure you should see after installation, see Appendix C, "Understanding the Oracle GoldenGate Veridata Directory Structure".

7.2 Starting the Servers

After configuration is complete, do the following to access the tools with which you can manage your domain:


For more information on additional tools you can use to manage your domain, see "Overview of Oracle Fusion Middleware Administration Tools" in Administering Oracle Fusion Middleware.

7.2.1 Starting the Administration Server

To start the Administration Server, go the DOMAIN_HOME/bin directory.

On UNIX operating systems, run:


On Windows operating systems, run:


If you selected Production Mode on the Domain Mode and JDK screen in Task 4, "Specifying the Domain Mode and JDK", you will be prompted for the login credentials of the Administrator user as provided on the Administrator Account screen in Task 3, "Configuring the Administrator Account".


For more information about starting the Administration Server, see "Starting and Stopping Administration Servers" in Administering Oracle Fusion Middleware.

In production mode, a boot identity file can be created to bypass the need to provide a user name and password when starting the Administration Server. For more information, see "Creating a Boot Identity File for an Administration Server" in Administering Server Startup and Shutdown for Oracle WebLogic Server.

You can verify that the Administration Server is up and running by access the Administration Server Console. The URL is provided on the Configuration Success screen in Task 14, "Reviewing Your Domain Home and Administration Server URL".


Make sure that the database hosting your product schemas is up and running and accessible by the Administration Server.

The default Administration Server port number is 7001.

Description of wls_admin_console.gif follows
Description of the illustration wls_admin_console.gif

For more information about how to use the Administration Console, see "Getting Started Using Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console" in Administering Oracle Fusion Middleware.

7.2.2 Starting the Managed Server using Veridata Scripts

The Veridata installation provides you with a script, veridataServer(.sh/.bat), to start and stop the Veridata Managed Server. These scripts are located in the DOMAIN_HOME/veridata/bin folder.


here is no Managed Server in a compact domain. Starting the Administration Server will start the entire domain.

To run the veridataServer script:

  1. On the system where the Oracle GoldenGate Veridata is installed, run the command shell of the operating system.

  2. Navigate to the DOMAIN_HOME/veridata/bin directory.

  3. Use the following syntax to run the veridataServer script.


veridataServer{.bat|.sh} start/stop [SERVER_NAME] [ADMIN_URL]
Optional Parameters Description
SERVER_NAME Specifies the name of the Veridata Managed Server that you want to start or stop. If not specified, the script starts the default managed server (VERIDATA_server1).
ADMIN_URL Specifies the URL for the Veridata domain administration server. Default URL is t3://<admin server>:<port>.

7.3 Creating Veridata Users and Assigning Privileges

After you configure the Veridata domain, you must create users and assign privileges for these users to access the Veridata Web User Interface. Use Oracle WebLogic Administration Console to create users.

By default, the WebLogic Domain administrator has privileges to access the Veridata application.

For more information about creating users and groups by using Administration Console, see "Create Users" in Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console Online Help.

To know more about the user roles for Veridata, see "Securing Access to Oracle GoldenGate Veridata Web Interface by Defining User Roles" inAdministering Oracle GoldenGate Veridata.

7.4 Launching Veridata Web User Interface

To launch Oracle GoldenGate Veridata web application, enter the following URL in a web browser:


where hostname represents the host where you have installed the Veridata Server.

To log in to the Veridata application, use the Veridata User credentials specified in the Administration Console. See "Creating Veridata Users and Assigning Privileges".