3 Using the Oracle Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Java Agent

This chapter explains how to use the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Java Agent. It includes information such as how to change passwords and how to change memory allotment settings.

This chapter includes the following sections:

3.1 Installing Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Java Agent

To install and configure Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Java Agent, use the procedures described in Installing and Configuring Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Agent. Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Java Agent must be installed on the same host as Oracle GoldenGate Monitor.

3.2 Starting the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Java Agent

You need to start Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Java Agent whenever you start Oracle GoldenGate Monitor. To do so, go to Oracle GoldenGate GGSCI and execute the start jagent command:



If processes were added or deleted, Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Java Agent will detect them without requiring restart.

3.3 Updating Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Java Agent Passwords

Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Java Agent passwords are stored in the Oracle Wallet for all supported platforms except IBM z/OS, where they are stored in the password.properties file (found in the installation_location/cfg directory).

Use the pw_agent_util.bat and pw_agent_util.sh utilities from the command line to change agent passwords on all supported platforms.

To change Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Java Agent passwords:

  1. Navigate to the installation directory.

    On Linux or UNIX:

    $ cd ./installation_directory/

    On Windows:

    C:\ cd installation_directory
  2. Using the appropriate runtime argument, run the appropriate pw_agent_util utility:


    The password utility can be run only by the user who installed the Oracle GoldenGate instance.

    On Linux or UNIX:

    $ ./pw_agent_util.sh -[updateAgentJMX | updateServerJMX |  updateKeystore | updateTruststore]

    On Windows:

    C:\ pw_agent_util.bat -[updateAgentJMX | updateServerJMX | updateKeystore | updateTruststore]

    Where the pw_agent_util options are:

    • -updateAgentJMX, which changes the agent's JMX password.

    • -updateServerJMX, which changes Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Server's JMX password.

    • -keystore, which adds the Java keystore password.

    • -truststore, which adds the Java truststore password.

    • -updateKeystore,Which changes the Java keystore password.

    • -updateTruststore, which changes the Java truststore password.

    If the wallet is needed and it exists, the utility will prompt with the password to be modified. If the Oracle Wallet is needed and does not exist, the utility will return a message indicating that you will need to first run with the -create option and then the utility will stop. To create the wallet, use this command (using the same options described in this step):

    On Linux or UNIX:

    $ ./pw_agent_util.sh -create | -jagentonly 

    On Windows:

    C:\ pw_agent_util.bat -create | -jagentonly 
  3. Enter and confirm the new password to implement the change. Press Enter without entering any data to cancel the request.

  4. To activate the changes, navigate to the Oracle GoldenGate installation location and start GGSCI. Then do one of the following depending on your Oracle GoldenGate release:

    • For Oracle GoldenGate release, stop and restart the Oracle GoldenGate Manager.

    • For Oracle GoldenGate release 11.2.1 and later, stop and restart the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Java Agent.


3.4 Changing Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Java Agent Memory Allotment

You can change the memory allotment for the standalone agent of Oracle GoldenGate release 11.2.1 and later by following these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Oracle GoldenGate installation location.

  2. Start GGSCI, and then edit the agent parameter file.

  3. The settings for the default memory allotment, -Xms, and the maximum memory allotment, -Xmx, are included in the start-up string for the agent. The following example sets the default to 64 MB and the maximum to 512 MB.

    java -jar -Xms64m -Xmx512m dirjar/jagent.jar
  4. Change the allotment numbers as needed, save the parameter file, and exit the editor.

  5. Stop and restart the agent to implement the changes.