1 Welcome to Oracle GoldenGate Monitor

Oracle GoldenGate Monitor is a real-time, Web-based monitoring console for the Oracle GoldenGate replication solution. Oracle GoldenGate Monitor delivers an at-a-glance, graphical view of all of the Oracle GoldenGate instances and their associated databases within your enterprise. Instantly, you can view statistics, targeted views, and alerts that will help you to monitor the performance of all of the objects in the Oracle GoldenGate configuration and detect problems, such as lag or abended processes, the moment that they occur. Oracle GoldenGate Monitor can send alert messages to its own console workspaces, as well as to email, SNMP, and CLI clients.

This chapter includes:

1.1 Additional Documentation for Oracle GoldenGate Monitor

Read the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Administrator's Guide to learn how to install, configure, and run the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor components.

Read the following documentation to learn about the Oracle GoldenGate replication solution:

You should familiarize yourself with Oracle GoldenGate before using Oracle GoldenGate Monitor. The Oracle GoldenGate documentation can be downloaded from the Oracle Technology Network Documentation portal at:


1.2 About Oracle GoldenGate Monitor

Oracle GoldenGate Monitor is a multi-tiered client-server application that enables the monitoring of Oracle GoldenGate instances from a remote client. It consists of the following components.

1.2.1 Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Architecture

The following diagram illustrates the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor architecture:

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Description of the illustration ''mon_architecture_mon.png''

1.2.2 Oracle GoldenGate Manager

The Manager process is the administrative process of an Oracle GoldenGate instance. It controls all of the other Oracle GoldenGate processes in the instance. Part of its role is to generate information about critical monitoring events, which it passes to the agent.

1.2.3 Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Web Client

The Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Client that you are using connects across an intranet or the Internet to the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Server to receive Oracle GoldenGate information, load any customized views, manage users, and receive and manage alerts.

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1.2.4 Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Server

The Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Server is management software that can be deployed anywhere in your enterprise to capture and process the data that is sent by the agents. Historical data, views, and other persisted information are stored in a database that is associated with the server component.

1.2.5 Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Agent

The Java-based Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Agent monitors the performance profile of processes under the control of its associated Manager, sends Oracle GoldenGate monitoring points and messages to the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Server, triggers events, and sends notifications to subscribed consumers (such as SNMP programs).