4 Performing Post-Upgrade Tasks

This chapter describes the tasks required once you have updated Oracle GoldenGate Monitor to the 12c (12.2.1) release.

This chapter contains the following sections:


After upgrading to Oracle GoldenGate Monitor 12c (12.2.1), Oracle GoldenGate Monitor 11g users cannot immediately log in to it. You must create users and assign privileges by using the Oracle WebLogic Administration Console. For more information, see "Managing Users from the WebLogic Administration Console" in Installing and Configuring Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Server.

4.1 Create WebLogic Domain for Monitor Server

With the existing Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Server database successfully upgraded from 11g (11.x) to 12c (12.2.1), you need to create an expanded WebLogic domain for the server implementation that runs with the upgraded schema. You must use the upgraded Monitor schema during this process. Follow the "Creating the WebLogic Server Domain" procedure described in Installing and Configuring Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Server:

4.2 Create the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Agent Instance 12c (12.2.1)

After running the upgrade configuration scripts described in the previous chapters, use the following procedure to create an Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Agent instance:

  1. Stop the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Agent instance that is pointing to the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor 11g or 12c (12.1.3) server.

  2. Create a new Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Agent 12c (12.2.1) instance by following the instance set up instructions in Installing and Configuring Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Agent.


    If you are upgrading from 11g, you must create both a 12c (12.2.1) Monitor Agent and Monitor Agent instance. If you are upgrading from 12c, you only need to create a 12c (12.2.1) Monitor Agent instance because the Agent already exists.
  3. Manually copy the oggmon.properties file from the MONITOR_SERVER_DOMAIN/config/monitorserver/cfg directory into the MONITOR_AGENT_PRODUCT_HOME/cfg_templates directory.

  4. Go to the MONITOR_AGENT_PRODUCT_HOME directory and run the upgradeToMonitorAgent1221 utility.

    On Linux:

    $ ./upgradeToMonitorAgent1221.sh

    On Windows:

    $ upgradeToMonitorAgent1221.bat

    The system responds with:

    Please enter absolute path of Oracle GoldenGate home directory:

  5. Enter the absolute path of your Oracle GoldenGate home directory.

    The system responds with:

    Please enter absolute path of Monitor Agent 12.1.3 Instance:

  6. Enter the absolute path of your Monitor Agent 12.1.3 Instance.


    The Monitor Agent 12.1.3 Instance directory should be the directory path to where Monitor Agent 12.1.3 Instance is installed.

    The system responds with:

    Please enter unique name to replace timestamp in startMonitorAgent script:

  7. The startMonitorAgent script suffix is the timestamp by default. Enter a unique name to override the timestamp suffix or press Enter to continue.

    The script will continue with the upgrade to completion.

  8. Remove existing Oracle GoldenGate JAgent (JAGENT) software that was bundled with Oracle GoldenGate Software by doing the following:

    1. Delete OGG_HOME/cfg folder

    2. Delete OGG_HOME/dirjar folder

    3. Delete OGG_HOME/pw_agent_util.* files

    4. Delete OGG_HOME/jagent.* files

  9. Start the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Agent from Oracle GoldenGate Core GGSCI console by entering start jagent.

4.3 Starting the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Server

Finally, start the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Server.

Expanded domains are used for Oracle databases. To start Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Server running with this type of database, do the following:

  1. Navigate to MONITORSERVER_GOLDENGATE_DOMAIN and run the following scripts to start the Weblogic Administration Server as described in "Start the WebLogic Administration Server" in Installing and Configuring Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Server.

  2. Navigate to MONITORSERVER_GOLDENGATE_DOMAIN/bin, and start the Weblogic 12c (12.2.1) Managed Server, as described in "Start the WebLogic Managed Server" in Installing and Configuring Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Server.

  3. Run this script with the arguments noted:

    $ ./startManagedWebLogic.sh MONITOR_server1 http://<hostname>:7001 
  4. Open the WebLogic Administration Console and, following the instructions in "Managing Monitor Server Users from the WebLogic Administration Console" in Installing and Configuring Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Server, create a Oracle GoldenGate Monitor user.

  5. Once you have completed the preceding steps, log in to Oracle GoldenGate Monitor with the username and password created in the Weblogic Server and verify system functionality.