2.11 COUNT

Use COUNT to produce a record count summary and other information related to the amount of data in the file. The basic output, without options, shows the following:

  • The RBA where the count began

  • The total data bytes and average bytes per record

  • Information about the operation types

  • Information about the transactions

When the DETAIL command is issued prior to issuing COUNT, the information includes a count for each table or data file. COUNT options allow you to show table detail without using the DETAIL command first, set a start and end time for the count, filter the count for a table, data file, trail file, or extract file, and specify a time interval for counts. You can use the DETAIL OFF command to turn off the collection of this detailed information.

For arguments that take a time string, use the following format:

[[yy]yy-mm-dd] [hh[:mm][:ss]]


Produce a count summary of all records.


[, END[TIME] time_string]
[, INT[ERVAL] minutes]
[, LOG] wildcard]
[, START[TIME] time_string]

Adds a count for each table or data file that was processed by Extract to the summary count. The information includes the total and average number of data bytes and information about the operations that were performed. This data can also be obtained by using the DETAIL command before issuing COUNT.

END[TIME] time_string

Stops the count with the last record written at the specified time.

INT[ERVAL] minutes

Displays statistics for total bytes, average bytes, and number of each type of operation that occurred within a specified interval of time, in minutes. Then it displays the totals for those statistics.

LOG wildcard

Produces a count for multiple trail or extract files specified with a wildcard.

START[TIME] time_string

Begins the count with the first record written at the specified time.


Example 1   
COUNT START 2011-01-11 12:00:00 , END 2011-01-12 12:00:00
Example 2   

This displays something similar to the following. Individual table or data file count has been truncated due to space constraints.

On Windows or UNIX (file names will differ):

Interval from 2011/02/28 11:30:00.000 to 2011/02/28 11:34:00.000, 
Recs                             3
Total Data Bytes               120
  Avg Bytes/Record              40
Delete                           3
Before Images                    3
LogTrail /home/ggs/dirdat/rt000000 has 304 records
Total Data Bytes             12120
Avg Bytes/Record                39
Delete                           3
Insert                         300
FieldComp                        1
Before Images                    3
After Images                   301

Average of 303 Transactions
    Bytes/Trans .....           88
    Records/Trans ...            1
    Files/Trans .....            1
HR.JOBS                                            Partition 4
Total Data Bytes              5911
  Avg Bytes/Record              68
Insert                          86
After Images                    86

HR.REGIONS                                         Partition 4
Total Data Bytes               512
  Avg Bytes/Record              32
Insert                          16
After Images                    16

On NonStop:

LogTrail \GGQA.$QA01.QADAT.LS000000 has 29656 records
Total Data Bytes           3561022
  Avg Bytes/Record             120
Delete                          50
Insert                       21221
Update                        8379
GSSPurgedata                     6
Before Images                   50
After Images                 29606

Average of 3621 Transactions
    Bytes/Trans .....       1376
    Records/Trans ...          8
    Files/Trans .....          1

\GGQA.$QA01.QAESRC.ACCTS                          Partition 0
Total Data Bytes            286414
  Avg Bytes/Record             142
Delete                          17
Insert                        2000
Before Images                   17
After Images                  2000

\GGQA.$QA01.QAESRC.ACCTN                          Partition 0
Total Data Bytes            281700
  Avg Bytes/Record             100
Delete                          17
Insert                        2000
Update                         800
Before Images                   17
After Images                  2800
Example 3   

This produces a count for all files whose names begin with LS. (Individual table or data file count has been truncated due to space constraints.)

On NonStop:

Current LogTrail is \GGQA.$QA01.QADAT.LS000000
Bad record found at RBA 5287, format 5.50)
 2A56 623F                                         | *Vb?
LogTrail \GGQA.$QA01.QADAT.LS000000 has 33 records
LogTrail \GGQA.$QA01.QADAT.LS000000 closed
Current LogTrail is \GGQA.$QA01.QADAT.LS000001
LogTrail \GGQA.$QA01.QADAT.LS000001 has 99 records
LogTrail \GGQA.$QA01.QADAT.LS000001 closed
Current LogTrail is \GGQA.$QA01.QADAT.LS000002
LogTrail \GGQA.$QA01.QADAT.LS000002 has 0 records
LogTrail \GGQA.$QA01.QADAT.LS000002 closed
Current LogTrail is \GGQA.$QA01.QADAT.LS000003
LogTrail \GGQA.$QA01.QADAT.LS000003 has 0 records
LogTrail \GGQA.$QA01.QADAT.LS000003 closed
LogTrail \GGQA.$QA01.QADAT.LS* has 132 records

Total Data Bytes              9468
  Avg Bytes/Record              71
Insert                         132
After Images                   132

Average of 4 Transactions
    Bytes/Trans .....         3951
    Records/Trans ...           33
    Files/Trans .....            3

QAHRTS.JOBS                                            Partition 4
Total Data Bytes              5220
  Avg Bytes/Record              68
Insert                          76
After Images

On Windows or UNIX (file names will differ):

Current LogTrail is c:\goldengate802\dirdat\ls000000
Bad record found at RBA 5287, format 5.50)
 2A56 623F                                         | *Vb?
LogTrail c:\goldengate802\dirdat\ls000000 has 33 records
LogTrail c:\goldengate802\dirdat\ls000000 closed
Current LogTrail is c:\goldengate802\dirdat\ls000001
LogTrail c:\goldengate802\dirdat\ls000001 has 99 records
LogTrail c:\goldengate802\dirdat\ls000001 closed
Current LogTrail is c:\goldengate802\dirdat\ls000002
LogTrail c:\goldengate802\dirdat\ls000002 has 0 records
LogTrail c:\goldengate802\dirdat\ls000002 closed
Current LogTrail is c:\goldengate802\dirdat\ls000003
LogTrail c:\goldengate802\dirdat\ls000003 has 0 records
LogTrail c:\goldengate802\dirdat\ls000003 closed
LogTrail c:\goldengate802\dirdat\ls* has 132 records

Total Data Bytes              9468
  Avg Bytes/Record              71
Insert                         132
After Images                   132

Average of 4 Transactions
    Bytes/Trans .....       3951
    Records/Trans ...         33
    Files/Trans .....          3

HR.JOBS                                            Partition 4
Total Data Bytes              5220
  Avg Bytes/Record              68
Insert                          76
After Images                    76
Example 4   

This produces something similar to the following:

On Windows or UNIX (file names will differ):

LogTrail /home/ggs/dirdat/rt000000 has 304 records
Total Data Bytes             12120
  Avg Bytes/Record              39
Delete                           3
Insert                         300
FieldComp                        1
Before Images                    3
After Images                   301

Average of 303 Transactions
    Bytes/Trans .....         88
    Records/Trans ...          1
    Files/Trans .....          1

GGS.TCUSTMER                                  Partition 4
Total Data Bytes             12120
  Avg Bytes/Record              39
Delete                           3
Insert                         300
FieldComp                        1
Before Images                    3
After Images                   301

Files      1, Coll      0, Chain      0

On NonStop:

LogTrail \GGQA.$QA01.QADAT.LS000000 has 29656 records
Total Data Bytes           3561022
  Avg Bytes/Record             120
Delete                          50
Insert                       21221
Update                        8379
GSSPurgedata                     6
Before Images                   50
After Images                 29606

Average of 3621 Transactions
    Bytes/Trans .....       1376
    Records/Trans ...          8
    Files/Trans .....          1

\GGQA.$QA01.QAESRC.ACCTS                          Partition 0
Total Data Bytes            286414
  Avg Bytes/Record             142
Delete                          17
Insert                        2000
Before Images                   17
After Images                  2000