7.1 Function summary

Function parameters accept different events and information from the Extract or Replicat program, pass the information to the appropriate routine for processing and return a response and information to the caller.

Routine Description

Set by the user exit routines and tells the caller how to respond when each exit call completes.


Indicates the processing point of the caller and determines the type of processing to perform.


Supplies information about the associated EXIT_REC_BUF when the call type is PROCESS_RECORD or DISCARD_RECORD. The exit routines can alter certain EXIT_PARAMS to change how the caller processes returned records.


Contains the record about to be processed by Extract or Replicat. EXIT_REC_BUF is supplied when the call type is PROCESS_RECORD or DISCARD_RECORD. Exit routines can change the contents of this buffer, for example, to perform custom mapping functions.

When changing the contents of EXIT_REC_BUF, change the SOURCE_FILE (for Extract processing only) and RECORD_LEN parameters appropriately so that external processes can identify the record.