Valid for

Extract, Replicat


Use EXTTRAIL to establish the current Oracle GoldenGate trail to which data will be output. All FILE and TABLE entries after the current entry but before the next parameter (EXTFILE, EXTTRAIL, RMTBATCH, RMTFILE, RMTTRAIL) result in output to the current trail. Unlike EXTFILE, EXTTRAIL parameters are set up externally to the parameter file using GGSCI.

The trail entered must correspond with an Oracle GoldenGate trail created with GGSCI. In addition, the Extract group specified in the parameter file must match the entry linked with EXTTRAIL. For more information about adding Oracle GoldenGate trails, refer to "ADD".


EXTTRAIL file_[, FORMAT RELEASE major.minor]prefix 

FORMAT RELEASE major.minor

Specifies the trail format of the data that is sent by Extract to a trail, file, or (if a remote task). The value tells the reader process whether the data records are of a version that it supports. The format depends on the version of the Oracle GoldenGate process. Newer Oracle GoldenGate versions contain different characteristic than older ones.

  • FORMAT is a required keyword.

  • RELEASE specifies an Oracle GoldenGate release version. major is the major version number, and minor is the minor version number. The X.x must reflect a current or earlier, generally available (GA) release of Oracle GoldenGate. Valid values are 9.0 through the current Oracle GoldenGate X.x version number, for example 11.2 or 12.1. (If you use an Oracle GoldenGate version that is earlier than 9.0, specify either 9.0 or 9.5.). The release version is programmatically mapped back to an appropriate internal compatibility level. The default is the current version of the process that writes to this trail.


A file name with two characters in the file portion. file_prefix can also be a define with the same characteristics.


An Extract group, FINANCE, has two associated trails. This configuration sends ACCOUNTS records to the XX trail and ORDERS to the YY trail. The parameter file includes the following commands:
